News & Articles on Large Wind Power
Large wind turbines are those used to generate commercial quantities of electricity. This category includes single turbines used in distributed applications as well as arrays of multiple wind turbines used in a wind power plant.
The Land of the Living: The Danish Folk High Schools and Denmark’s Non-Violent Path to Modernization by Steven Borish
Paul Gipe
The book, Land of the Living, is based on Borish’s study of the Danish folkehøjskol system in the early 1980s. His book is an articulate examination of Danish culture. His theme is that Denmark could — should — be used as a model for the post modern development of the USA in what he calls, paraphrasing E.F. Schumacher, “development with a human face.”
Repowering California Wind Power Plants
Paul Gipe and Paul White
Comments by the American Wind Energy Association on Repowering California’s Wind Industry for the California Energy Commission’s 1994 Biennial Report
Popular Science: Mehrkam’s Windmills–he’s overpowering NASA
Paul Gipe
Off-the-shelf parts and simple assembly produce 250 kW at low cost.