Books by Paul Gipe

Wind Energy for the Rest of Us
is a sprawling book, one minute discussing how to install small wind turbines safely, the next explaining how farmers in Indiana can earn millions of dollars in revenue by installing their own large wind turbines. It’s a book hard to categorize. That suits Paul Gipe. He likes to think he’s hard to categorize after four decades in renewable energy. His book tells the story of modern wind energy in all its complexity and introduces electricity rebels—the trailblazers who have launched a renewable energy revolution by taking power into their own hands. Gipe’s at his best when extolling the phenomenal success of an industry that grew out of muddy farm fields in Denmark and windy California passes only three decades ago.

Wind Energy Basics
is the second edition of a bestselling classic by Chelsea Green Publishing, debunks the fads, fallacies, and flim-flam around “new, never-before-seen” wind turbines often featured in the media. Gipe’s controversial examination of vertical-axis, rooftop, and ducted wind turbines is sure to evoke debate amongst wind energy enthusiasts. Based on the success of wind energy, particularly in Denmark and Germany, Gipe introduces the concept of “community wind” in this new edition. Rather than wasting time and money on questionable rooftop wind turbines, Gipe suggests investing in a community-owned or cooperative-owned commercial-scale wind turbine.

Wind Power
is comprehensive, yet readable. It’s essential reading for every person considering wind as an option for generating their own clean, dependable power. Wind energy today is a booming worldwide industry. The technology has come of age, with better, more reliable machinery and a greater understanding of how and where wind power makes sense. Heightened concerns about our environment, coupled with our nation’s energy insecurity and a dwindling supply of expensive fossil fuels, means that this resurgence of interest in wind — a natural and limitless widespread power source — is here to stay. With the insight of someone who has been both a proponent and a critic of wind systems, Paul Gipe is the Johnny Appleseed of wind – a visionary but also a hard-headed practitioner sowing the seeds of the future today.

Wind Power in View
tackles the thorny land-use questions raised by the booming wind turbine industry in Europe and North America. It’s an authoritative international collaboration examining the aesthetics of wind energy and the place of wind turbines on the landscape. Edited by Martin J. Pasqualetti, Paul Gipe, and Robert W. Righter, Wind Power in View surveys where wind energy stands at the dawn of the new millennium, recounts some of the aesthetic objections leveled at the technology, presents case studies, and offers guidelines that could increase public acceptance of modern wind turbines.

Wind Energy Comes of Age
chronicles wind energy’s progress from its rebirth during the oil crises of the 1970s through a troubling adolescence in California’s mountain passes in the 1980s to its maturation on the plains of northern Europe in the 1990s. Gipe argues that wind energy is no longer an alternative source of energy. He cites improvements in the performance, reliability, and cost effectiveness of modern wind turbines to support his contention that wind energy has come of age as a commercial technology for generating electricity. The book debunks the myths that wind energy is land-intensive, that wind turbines are inherently ugly, that wind energy will never make a difference, and that wind energy is unreliable.

Wind Power for Home and Business
is a 414-page guide to wind turbines, both large and small intended for homeowners, farmers, and small businesses who want to use wind energy to meet their own needs. Gipe concludes that “Wind works, whether it’s for a nomadic herdsman on the Mongolian steppes, a Kansas wheat farmer, or an operator of a wind power plant in one of California’s windy mountain passes.”

Le Grand Livre de l’Éolien
Le Grand Livre de l’Éolien est le livre de référence pour tous les acteurs du secteur et pour tous ceux qui souhaitent y prendre part à l’avenir. Il donne au lecteur une vue exhaustive sur une des techniques les plus importantes pour la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique.
Paul Gipe, dont l’expertise internationale est reconnue, fait le point sur l’état de l’art de la filière dans un ouvrage vivant et très documenté qui rend sa lecture facile : encadrés, exemples, conseils, analyses et de très nombreuses illustrations.

Energía Eólica Práctica
La editorial española Progensa ha comenzado a distribuir el libro titulado Energía Eólica Práctica, traducción del texto Wind Energy Basics publicado por Chelsea Green en 1999.
Según la editorial, Energía Eólica Práctica puede ser el primer libro en lengua inglesa sobre energía eólica traducido al español.
Este nuevo libro es uno de los pocos sobre energía eólica que existen en lengua española.

Elettricità dal Vento
Franco Muzzio Editore, an imprint of Editori Riuniti, has published an Italian translation of Wind Energy Basics, a book on small and household-size wind turbines.
Elettricità al vento: Impianti di piccola scala is now available in 300 bookstores throughout Italy, says Giuseppe Onufrio, editor of renewable energy titles for the Italian publisher.