Die Geschichte der Windenergienutzung 1890-1990 (The History of Wind Energy Utilization 1890-1990) by Matthias Heymann–Like Righter in his Wind Energy in America, Heymann places the development of wind energy in its historical context, that is, within the political currents of the day. In his description of Danish development of wind energy, for example, Heymann places Poul la Cour, the Danish Edison, within the social context of the religious philosophy espoused by Grundtvig and exhibited in the folk high school movement that is still a part of the Danish cultural landscape. . .
Wind Power The Danish Way A Review by Paul Gipe–Wind Power The Danish Way: From Poul la Cour to Modern Wind Turbines is a book written by a who’s who of Danish wind power. It’s a celebratory book and Danes have a lot to celebrate–a lot to be proud of. Yes, they have given the world modern wind power. But more than that, Danes have given the world another way of developing wind power too. This is often overlooked in our eagerness to talk about the growth of the technology, exciting as it is. . .
Windgesichter (The Face of Wind Energy) a Review by Paul Gipe–Windgesichter: Aufbruch der Windenergie in Deutschland (The face of wind: Dawn of wind energy in Germany) by Jan Oelker is a joy to behold. It’s one of those rare cases where you can indeed tell a book by its cover. . . No serious library of wind energy anywhere should be without this pictorial essay of the beginning of modern wind energy in Germany. . .
Wind-Catchers: American Windmills of Yesterday and Tomorrow by Volta Torrey 1976–This is an engagingly written history of wind energy in the United States with chapters on the Smith-Putnam wind turbine, the American water-pumping windmill, and 1970s pioneers of modern wind turbines. . .
Winds of Change–25 years of Wind Power development–A story in photos from the years 1975 – 2000 presented by early blade manufacturer Erik Grove-Nielsen. . .
The International Molinological Society (TIMS)–The International Molinological Society (TIMS) is the Society which fosters worldwide interest and understanding of wind, water and animal-driven mills. . .
Wind Turbine History in Denmark–To make sure that this knowledge was not lost, the Folkecenter, together with the Danish Energy Museum, the Poul la Cour Museum and the Danish Historic Wind Turbine Association, have developed a series of brochures explaining the steps the industry went through in its development. The result of 14 years of research in the archives resulted in the publication of 12 illustrated brochures.
Vind Historie with Preben Maegaard, Nordisk Folkecenter for Vedvarende Energi–One hour long video of the late Preben Maegaard discussing wind energy artifacts in the Folkecenter’s collection po Dansk (in Danish).
Energie Eolienne Principes et Etudes de cas by Marc Rapin and Jean-Mark Noël, Dunod, France, 2010, 304 pages, 170×240 mm, ISBN : 9782100508013, 59 €, www.dunod.com. The book is also available electronically and includes an excellent and comprehensive history of wind energy in France, including many photographs.
The Mills Archive operates a permanent repository for the historical and contemporary records of mills, milling and renewable power sources.