The preferential feed in tariffs (FiT), announced by the Algerian Ministry of Energy in April of 2014 will be guaranteed for the 20 year term of the PPA. Base tariffs will range from 12.75 Algerian dinars per kilowatt hour (DZD/kWh) (approximately 11.87 US cents) to 15.94 DZD/kWH (approximately 14.83 US cents) for solar PV projects.
Algeria FIT
Producers will apply with the Algerian energy regulator, the Commission de Régulation de l’Electricité et du Gaz (“CREG”), for authorization to benefit from the feed-in tariff.
With 10GW of renewable energy to be installed in the next 15 years, Algeria has introduced a feed-in tariff (FIT) to encourage foreign investment.
The North African nation of Algeria is aiming high with regards to solar energy development, as its recent launch of an impressive feed-in tariff (FiT) program for large-scale PV power plants shows.
Algeria has introduced a feed-in tariff (FIT) scheme for photovoltaic installations. According to a new regulation published in the country’s official journal last week, ground-mounted solar parks of more than 1 MW of capacity will be eligible for the FIT.
The Algerian government instituted a feed-in tariff in the spring of 2004. The policy appears modeled after that used in … Read more
Related Files algerian_fit_law_2004_extract-pdf