“We as a people have to move from a culture of consumption to a culture of conservation, a culture of consumers to a culture of producers of renewable energy. We have no time left for half measures.”
~ Paul Gipe
Presentations by Paul Gipe
I’ve given presentations to groups of all sizes from as small as a half dozen to as many as 10,000. I’ve given presentations on the subjects of wind energy, renewable energy policy, and electric vehicles to people from all walks of life from academics to industry executives, and from farmers to politicians, including Vice President Al Gore and his advisers.
Stop Burning Stuff–EVs at Hart Park Nature Center
September 10, 2023
Presentation on EVs and the Need to Stop Burning Stuff at Hart Park’s Nature Center.
Stick it to Putin–Drive Electric Now
April 7, 2022 by Paul Gipe
Presentation to the Tehachapi Democratic Club following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Wind—the Breath of Life or the Kiss of Death: Analysis of Wind Energy Fatalities
April 15, 2021 by Paul Gipe
Presentation to Winterwind 2021 on a Comparison of Wind’s Fatalities to that of Other Industries.
Driving Electric: If Not Now, When?
January 27, 2020, by Paul Gipe
Presentation for the Buena Vista Group of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club 1 February 2020 Bakersfield, California. Check against delivery.
PG&E; Distributed Wind Energy 06 Distributed Wind
Presentation by Paul Gipe for PG&E; 21 April 2018 at CalPoly, San Luis Obispo, California. Check against delivery.
PG&E; Distributed Wind Energy 04 Silent Wind Revolution
Presentation by Paul Gipe for PG&E; 21 April 2018 at CalPoly, San Luis Obispo, California. Check against delivery.
PG&E; Distributed Wind Energy 02 Configurations
Presentation by Paul Gipe for PG&E; 21 April 2018 at CalPoly, San Luis Obispo, California. Check against delivery.
PG&E; Distributed Wind Energy 01 Introduction
Presentation by Paul Gipe for PG&E; 21 April 2018 at CalPoly, San Luis Obispo, California. Check against delivery.
PG&E; Distributed Wind Energy 07 Conclusion
Presentation by Paul Gipe for PG&E; 21 April 2018 at CalPoly, San Luis Obispo, California. Check against delivery.
PG&E; Distributed Wind Energy 03 Fundamentals
Presentation by Paul Gipe for PG&E; 21 April 2018 at CalPoly, San Luis Obispo, California. Check against delivery.
PG&E; Distributed Wind Energy 05 Hybrid and Storage Introduction
Presentation by Paul Gipe for PG&E; 21 April 2018 at CalPoly, San Luis Obispo, California. Check against delivery.
Electricity Rebels and How They’re Changing the Face of Renewable Energy
Presentation for the CORE Energy Summit in Winnipeg, Manitoba 12 April 2018.
Presentation on Improvements to Small Wind Turbines
Presentation for CORE Energy Summit in Winnipeg, Manitoba 12 April 2018.
Diesels are Dead: Long Live EVs
Presentation on Electric Vehicles for the CORE Energy Summit in Winnipeg, Manitoba 12 April 2018.
Overview of Wind Energy for the International Renewable Energy Academy
Presentation by Paul Gipe for York University’s International Renewable Academy on 22 June 2017. Check against delivery.
The Long & Winding Road to Today’s Small Wind Industry
Keynote presentation to the 2017 Small Wind Conference 11 April in Minneapolis, Minnesota.[more]
The Silent Wind Revolution: Increasing the Opportunity for Distributed Wind
February 28, 2017, by Paul Gipe
Presentation before the Distributed Wind Energy Association in Washington, DC February 28, 2017[more]
Diesels are Dead–Long Live Electric Vehicles
December 5, 2015, by Paul Gipe
Presentation to the Sierra Club’s Buena Vista Group, Bakersfield, California 5 December 2015.
Presentation on Electricity Rebellion–Democratizing Generation with Renewable Energy
February 19, 2014, by Paul Gipe
Feed-in Tariffs & Massachusetts Offshore Feed-in Tariff (MORFIT)
November 14, 2013, by Paul Gipe
Presentation on the growth of wind energy worldwide, philosophy of feed-in tariff policies, feed-in tariff design, and feed-in tariffs for offshore wind and examples of near shore and offshore…
Presentation by Paul Gipe in Castellana Grotte on Community Wind-06-Closing
September 29, 2013, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe in Castellana Grotte on Community Wind-05-Environmental Design-Compatible
September 29, 2013, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe in Castellana Grotte on Community Wind-04-Community Power
September 29, 2013, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe in Castellana Grotte on Community Wind-03 Leasing Land
September 29, 2013, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe in Castellana Grotte on Community Wind-02-Introduction & Fundamentals
September 29, 2013, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe in Castellana Grotte on Community Wind-01-Overview
September 29, 2013, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe for the International Titanium Association on the Renewable Electricity Revolution-
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Operations & Maintenance Costs and Estimating Feed-in Tariff Payments at Husum WindEnergy
September 18, 2012, by Paul Gipe
Presentation on Onshore Wind’s Essential Role in the Renewable Energy Revolution at Husum WindEnergy
September 18, 2012, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Electricity Rebels University of Aalborg
September 12, 2012, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe for National Geothermal Summit Sacramento, California on Feed-in Tariffs for Geothermal
Presentation by Paul Gipe for OSEIA Portland FIT Panel 26 April 2012
Presentation by Paul Gipe for OSEIA Portland Plenary Keynote 26 April 2012
Presentation by Paul Gipe for OREP Unitarian Church Portland 24 April 2012
Presentation by Paul Gipe for OREP Roundtable April 24 2012
Presentation by Paul Gipe for Friends of the Earth UK on Electricity Rebels–Creating an Energy Revolution
Presentation by Paul Gipe for PG&E;’s Energy Center on Urban Wind in the Bay Area–the Other Bay Area
Examples of Wind Turbines in Boston and Boston Harbor and the Possibilities in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Paul Gipe Presentation on ZNE-SCE-Wind 01 Intro.pdf
November 16, 2011, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe for PG&E; Zero Net Energy Homes, Introduction
Paul Gipe Presentation on ZNE-SCE-Wind 02 Sizing
November 16, 2011, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe for PG&E; Zero Net Energy Homes, Sizing
Presentation by Paul Gipe for the NW Solar Summit in Bellevue, WA
November 7, 2011, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe to Sierra Club California on Bringing the Renewable Energy Revolution Back Home with the California Renewable Energy Sources Act (CalRESA)
October 15, 2011, by Paul Gipe
San Luis Obispo, California
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Electricity Rebels–Creating an Energy Revolution for the Bakersfield Cactus & Succulent Society
September 13, 2011, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe for PG&E; Zero Net Energy Homes, Sizing
Presentation by Paul Gipe for PG&E; Zero Net Energy Homes, Introduction
Plus Energy Building: Wind Energy, Small Wind, & Community Wind
Presentation by Paul Gipe at Intersolar 2011 on Feed-in Tariff Best Practice: Avoiding Solar Myopia
San Francisco, California
Ontario’s Feed-in Tariffs: Setting the Standard in North America
Presentation by Paul Gipe for VerdeXchange, June 6, 2011, Toronto Ontario, including a proposal for revisions to Ontario’s groundbreaking feed-in tariffs . . .
Presentation by Paul Gipe Dalhousie University Library on Bringing the Renewable Revolution to Nova Scotia
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Feed-in Tariff Design, Fredericton, New Brunswick
Keynote Presentation by Paul Gipe on Advanced Renewable Tariffs, Fredericton, New Brunswick
Presentation by Paul Gipe, Winnipeg Public Library
Presentation by Paul Gipe for the Manitoba Environmental Industries Association
Bringing the Renewable Energy Revolution Back to California with Feed-in Tariffs–FITs Presentation by Paul Gipe for the Kern County Audubon Society March 1, 2011
Presentation by Paul Gipe at the Husum Small Wind Summit 2010
February 19, 2011, by Paul Gipe
What Small Wind Needs to Make Its Mark
Presentation by Paul Gipe to the Bay Area Council of Governments on Advanced Renewable Tariffs for an Energy Revolution
October 26, 2010, by Paul Gipe
San Francisco, California
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Advanced Renewable Tariffs for New York State
October 20, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe on FITs for New York State
October 19, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe to the German-American Chamber of Commerce Energy Forum on Advanced Renewable Tariffs for a North AmericanEnergy Revolution
October 11, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Washington, DC
Presentation by Paul Gipe 24 September 2010 to the City of Edmonton
September 25, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe 21 September 2010 to the Alberta Dept. of Energy
September 23, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe 21 September 2010 to the UofA Energy Club
September 23, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe 22 September 2010 to the Alberta Dept. of Environment
September 23, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe 22 September 2010 for the Solar Energy Society of Alberta at Grant MacEwan University
September 23, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe 23 September 2010 to Sustainable Energy Alliance in Red Deer
September 23, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe to the Colorado Governor’s Energy Office
September 20, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Advanced Renewable Tariffs for the South Denver Chamber of Commerce
September 17, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Advanced Renewable Tariffs for the Alliance for Sustainable Colorado
September 17, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Feed-in Tariffs for the City of Fort Collins
September 16, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Advanced Renewable Tariffs for Boulder Clean Energy Action
September 16, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe Durango Community Power Workshop
September 15, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe for the Durango Green Business Roundtable
September 15, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe on FITs for La Plata Rural Electric Cooperative (Durango)
September 15, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe to the California Green Assembly
September 11, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Advanced Renewable Tariffs: Getting it Right in North America–Presentation by Paul Gipe at Feed-in Tariffs–A Time for Real Action on Renewables
Presentation by Paul Gipe for Renewable Energy Vermont: Moving Vermont to the Head of the Class–How to Improve Vermont’s FIT Program
Presentation by Paul Gipe for Comité de Liaison Energie Renouvelables, Paris, May 7, 2010
Small Wind in North America, the Good, the Bad, the Ugly; Real Urban Wind & the Community Power Revolution
Presentation by Paul Gipe at the DERBI 2010 International Conference, Perpignan France
May 4, 2010, by Paul Gipe
What Small Wind Needs to Make Its Mark
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Farm Power: Renewable Tariffs for a Rural Revolution, FARE
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Feed-in Tariff Policy for the Local Clean Power Conference
February 10, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Globalizing Successful RE Policy for VerdeXchange
January 24, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Accelerating Deployment of RE for VerdeXchange
January 24, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Feed-in Tariffs for Verdexchange, Los Angeles
January 23, 2010, by Paul Gipe
Feed-in Tariffs for Small Wind Turbines Becoming a Reality
November 5, 2009, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe for ASES Solar 2009
Advanced Renewable Tariffs for Small Wind Turbines
Presentation by Paul Gipe for CanWEA 2009 Conference, Toronto, Ontario. Includes a summary of feed-in tariffs for small wind turbines worldwide and a review of small wind program performance.
Presentation by Paul Gipe at the Washington Solar Summit
October 23, 2009, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe at UCLA Greening North America
October 22, 2009, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe at the Conference on Clean Tech at Southwestern Law School
September 18, 2009, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe to a luncheon for Michigan State Legislators on Advanced Renewable Tariffs: A System of Differentiated Feed-in Tariffs
Lansing, Michigan
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Advanced Renewable Tariffs, Northfield, Minnesota
Presentation by Paul Gipe for the Michigan Public Service Commission on Advanced Renewable Tariffs–New Policy Option for North America
December 18, 2008, by Paul Gipe
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Presentation to the National Conference of Environmental Legislators
December 12, 2008, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe to DePauw University on Advanced Renewable Tariffs: New Policy Option for North America
September 30, 2008, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe to the Michagan State Assembly Commerce Committee on Advanced Renewable Tariffs New–Policy Option for Michigan
September 16, 2008, by Paul Gipe
Lansing, Michigan
Presentation by Paul Gipe for ASES Solar 2008 on Advanced Renewable Tariffs: New Policy Option for North America
Presentation by Paul Gipe A Challenge Worthy of North America
WWEA Conference, opening plenary session, Kingston, Ontario
Wind 101 Half Day 1 Overview
Wind 101 Half Day 2 Applications
Wind 101 Half Day 3 Small Wind
Wind 101 Half Day 4 Community & Urban Wind
Wind 101 Half Day 5 Fundamentals
Wind 101 Half Day 6 Technology 01
Wind 101 Half Day 7 Technology 02
Wind 101 Half Day 8 Environment
Wind 101 Half Day 9 Compatible
Wind 101 Half Day x Installation
Advanced Renewable Tariffs for Small Wind Turbines
Presentation by Paul Gipe for the Interstate Renewable Energy Council, June 2008
Presentation by Paul Gipe to the World Future Council Feed-in Tariff Conference on Advanced Renewable Tariffs New Policy Option for North America
Washington, DC
Wind 101-1 Overview
Wind 101-2 Applications
Wind 101-3 Small Wind
Wind 101-4 Community & Urban Wind
Wind 101-5 Fundamentals
Wind 101-6 Technology 01
Wind 101-7 Technology 02
Wind 101-8 Environment
Wind 101-9 Compatible
Wind 101-x Installation
Presentation made by Paul Gipe to Al Gore’s Climate Solutions Summit in New York City
January 10, 2008, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe to Vent communautaire—La 3ième voieÉnergie éolienne : Implication de la communauté
November 15, 2007, by Paul Gipe
Moncton, New Brunswick
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Community Wind–Wind Energy As If People Matter
November 15, 2007, by Paul Gipe
Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Tarifs Efficaces et ÉquitablesOption d’une Nouvelle Politique pour l’Amérique du Nord
November 15, 2007, by Paul Gipe
Université de Moncton, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Tarifs Efficace et Equitables–New Policy Option for North America
November 15, 2007, by Paul Gipe
Université de Moncton, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Michigan’s Renewable Energy Sources Act (HB 5218 2007)
November 5, 2007, by Paul Gipe
Lansing, Michigan
Presentation by Paul Gipe to the Candian Wind Energy Association on Preparing for Prime Time: What Small Wind Needs to Make Its Mark
September 28, 2007, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe at the Michigan Agri-Energy Luncheon Community Wind–The Third Way–Wind Energy As If People Matter
Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan
Presentation to ASES 2007 Conference on Ontario’s Standard Offer Contract Program
Presentation by Paul Gipe to the Canadian Auto Workers on Canada’s Renewable Future: Going Beyond Kyoto
Presentation by Paul Gipe to the Alberta Agriculture and Food Department on Renewable Energy Policy
Presentation by Paul Gipe to the Alberta Agriculture and Food Department on Wind Technology, Landowners, and Royalties
Presentation by Paul Gipe to the Alberta Agriculture and Food Department on Ontario’s Standard Offer Contract Program
Presentation by Paul Gipe to the Alberta Agriculture and Food Department on Community Wind–The Third Way
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Ontario’s Renewable Potential
Presentation by Paul Gipe to Michgan Agri-Energy on Community Wind–Wind Energy As If People Matter
Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan
Presentation by Paul Gipe to Bundesverband WindEnergie on the Wind Rush of 2005-2007
The North American Market is Like a Bucking Bronco at a Texas Rodeo–“Yee Ha! Ride Em Cowboys!”
Presantation by Paul Gipe to WIDRC on Advanced Renewable Tariffs: The Most Effective Method for Rapidly Developing Renewable Energy
Madison, Wisconsin
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Developing Distributed Generation with Advanced Renewable Tariffs
Madison, Wisconsin
Presentation by Paul Gipe on Colloque sur L’Énergie Éolienne (Version Francaise)
December 8, 2005, by Paul Gipe
University of Quebec a Rimouski, Rimouski, Quebec, Canada
Presentation by Paul Gipe on L’Énergie Éolienne et les Communautés Eloignées
October 19, 2005, by Paul Gipe
(in English), University of Quebec a Rimouski, Colloque Eolienne Eloigne
Presentation by Paul Gipe on An Ontario NGO’s Campaignfor Advanced Renewable Tariffs
Antigonish, Nova Scotia
Presentation on Building a Sustainable Power Supply with Renewable Energy
For New Zealand’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
Presentation by Paul Gipe to Dalhousie University on Advanced Renewable TariffsThe Most Effective Method for Developing Renewable Energy
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Presentation by Paul Gipe to Natural Resources Canada on World Wind Energy Development & Advanced Renewable Tariffs
NRCan, Ottawa, Ontario
Presentation by Paul Gipe at St. Francis University on World Wind Energy Development & Advanced Renewable Tariffs
St Francis University, Loretto, Pennsylvania
Presentation by Paul Gipe to the Ontario Federation of Farmers on Coping with the Power Crisis
Regaining Control by Cutting Demand and Increasing Renewable Energy–Not Quick, Not Cheap, Not Easy But Worth Every Cent
Presentation by Paul Gipe on OSEA Price-Setting Workshop with Bernard CHABOT of ADEME
Presentation by Paul Gipe to the Forum on Renewable Energy Tariffs: Market Mechanism for Rapid Deployment
October 21, 2004, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe to CanWEA on Potential Economic Benefits of Wind Energy
October 14, 2004, by Paul Gipe
Presentation by Paul Gipe to the Government of Quebec on L’Energie Eolien dans le Monde
Ville de Quebec, Quebec, Canada