
The promotion of the Windtamer ducted turbine and the support lent by the academic community is a particularly egregious example of an ill-informed promoter preying on goodwill and naiveté.

Windtamer Hype Needs Trimmed: Betz Beaten Yet Again Raises Questions


Paul Gipe

Poor Albert Betz, the German physicist must be turning over in his grave. He’s been beaten yet again.

Magwind Pyramidal Power. Not Operating, Though Windy At The Time.

Fantasy Wind Turbines: If It’s Too Good To Be True . . . or How to Spot Scams, Frauds, and Flakes


Paul Gipe

The most important tip to keep in mind is that from Robert Gasch. If there is a new wind turbine, no one should pay the slightest attention to it until they “build it, measure it, and publish” the results. Until then, it’s just hot air–and nothing more.