Debunking Myths

There are many myths about wind energy circulated by those opposed to renewable energy in general or wind turbines in particular. Some are so outlandish that it’s hard to imagine people believe them, others are more subtle requiring a degree of technical background to refute. Since I began my career in this field four decades ago I have tried to focus on the facts–both the promise and pitfalls of wind energy. The links below explore these myths and the topics on which some myths are built.

Hvide Sande Denmark 20120912 00

Energy Payback: Comparative life cycle assessment of 2.0 MW wind turbines


Karl R. Haapala and Preedanood Prempreeda

The energy payback period for the two turbine models are found to be 5.2 and 6.4 months, respectively.

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CBC: Ontario election 2014: Vote Compass users reveal split on wind power


Paul Gipe

Vote Compass users overall say wind energy should be a significant source of Ontario’s electricity supply mix – but that view is not shared by respondents who identified as supporters of the Progressive Conservatives.

Truth Out: Anti-Wind–Stealing our Sympathy


Sarah Taylor

If we allow ourselves to be deceived by the fossil-fuel industry and their fabricated worries about birds, then we will be refusing to look the future squarely in the face. We must end our addiction to fossil fuels, and work to establish clean, renewable alternatives. . . The birds and bats will thank us.

DECC survey reveals massive support for onshore wind compared to nuclear and fracking


Dave Toke

As detailed below, the Government’s survey shows that the public is much more supportive of onshore wind – the technology they are determined to curb – compared to the technologies to which they want to give incentives, namely nuclear power and shale gas.

Etwas Luft: The Contours of Misinformation [about Wind Energy]


Ketan Joshi

Recently, the Australian Medical Association (AMA) released a comprehensive position statement on the curiously invulnerable issue of ‘wind turbine syndrome’. One phrase from the statement caught my eye, because it goes slightly further than other institutions (like the Victorian Department of Health, the National Health and Medical Research Council, or New South Wales Health), in that it mentions the impact of misinformation:

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2014 Annual Windmill-Wildflower Hike Planned for Tehachapi–29th Annual Walk–May 10, 2014


Paul Gipe

Tehachapi’s Windmill-Wildflower Hike is one of the longest-running annual walks among wind turbines worldwide. More than 800 people, from children to octogenarians, have taken the six-mile walk across Cameron Ridge since the event was first launched.