Ion Paraschivoiu is Aeronautical Chair Professor at École Polytechnique de Montréal and he brings to the cornucopia of new books on wind energy his specialty: Darrieus turbines.
Like David Spera in Wind Turbine Technology (1994), Paraschivoiu seeks to document for posterity the status of a technology. Spera chronicled the results from two decades of research by the U.S. Government and its contractors. Paraschivoiu does the same in the Canadian context, where the Darrieus or more specifically the phi-configuration Darrieus was reinvented by R. Rangi and P. South during the heyday of centrally-directed research in Canada. The Canadian wind program almost exclusively focused on Darrieus technology from the 1970s into the 1990s.
Paraschivoiu’s book includes not only laboratory measurements on Darrieus performance, but also data from prototypes operating in the field in both Canada and the United States. His principle contribution, Paraschivoiu believes, is a design model for Darrieus turbines using double-multiple stream tubes.
As a proponent of Darrieus turbines Paraschivoiu argues that vertical-axis wind turbines are environmentally preferred to conventional horizontal-axis turbines–a contention that will surely be contested. He argues, for example, that VAWTs produce less noise than conventional turbines because they operate at lower tip-speed ratios. Similarly, VAWTs cause less electromagnetic interference than conventional turbines he says. Most contentious is his claim that medium-size VAWTs are aesthetically more acceptable than conventional turbines based on a 1987 opinion survey by Southern California Edison of reaction to a 500 kW DAF-InDal turbine at SCE’s test site in the San Gorgonio Pass.
The strong point of Paraschivoiu’s book is his emphasis on charting the results of actual tests. While there’s more than enough theory for any hardened engineer, the book is chocked full of charts documenting the performance of a long line of experimental and some commercial Darrieus turbines.
The appendix also includes a useful list of web sites of wind organizations worldwide, something missing from the other new books on wind energy.
The book’s only weakness is the lack of photographs, especially of Canadian turbines and of the more obscure experimental Darrieus turbines once developed in the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, and Germany; illustratons of which would be beneficial for future designers.
Wind Turbine Design is probably the definitive work on Darrieus technology.
Wind Turbine Design: With Emphasis on Darrieus Concept by Ion Paraschivoiu, ISBN: 2-553-00931-3, 18.5 cm x 23 cm (~7 x 9 inches), 590 pages, $145,00 CAN, $116.00 US, 2002. Available from École Polytechnique de Montréal,,
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1
- Wind Energy
- Wind Definition and Characteristics
- Wind Turbines
- Wind Energy Applications
- Benefits and Obstacles in Wind Energy Development
- Overview of Wind Energy Development
- Wind Energy Developed in the World
- Chapter 2
- State-of-the-Art of Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines
- The Madaras Rotor Concept
- Savonius Rotor
- Drag-Driven Device
- Lift-Driven Device
- Giromill
- Vortex Modelling Cross-Wind Axis Machine
- Aerodynamic Characteristics
- Chapter 3
- The Darrieus Wind-Turbine Concept
- Introduction
- Geometry of the Darrieus Rotor
- Chapter 4
- Aerodynamic Performance Prediction Models
- Single Streamtube Model
- Multiple Streamtubes Model
- Vortex Models
- A High Speed Lifting Line Model for Darrieus Turbines
- Local-Circulation Model
- Chapter 5
- Unsteady Aerodynamics CFD Models
- Introduction
- Numerical Procedure
- Turbulence Modelling
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Chapter 6
- Double-Multiple-Streamtube : A Practical Design Model
- Double Actuator Disk Theory
- Double Actuator Disk Momentum Theory
- Blade Element Theory
- Double-Multiple-Streamtube Model for Studying Darrieus Turbine
- Aerodynamic Analysis of the Darrieus Wind Turbines Including Dynamic-Stall Effects
- Darrieus Rotor Aerodynamics in Turbulent Wind
- Comparison between DMS Model and Other Computer Codes
- Blade Tip and Finite Aspect Ratio Effects on the Darrieus Rotor
- Performance Predictions of VAWTs with SNL Airfoil Blades
- CARDAAV Software
- Chapter 7
- Aerodynamic Loads and Performance Tests
- Water Channel Experiments
- Wind Tunnel Experiments
- Field Test of Darrieus Wind Turbines
- Commercial Prototype Wind Turbines
- Measurements and Prediction of Aerodynamic Torques for a Darrieus Wind Turbine
- Chapter 8
- Innovative Aerodynamic Devices for Darrieus Rotor
- Natural Laminar Flow (NLF) Airfoils and Tapered Blades
- Aerobrakes
- Vortex Generators
- Pumped Spoiling
- Toe-in-Angle Effects
- Blade Camber
- Blade Roughness (Soiling), Blade Icing and Parasite Drag Effects
- Chapter 9
- Future Trends Design of Darrieus Wind Turbine
- Wind Turbine Design Parameters
- Darrieus Wind Turbine Design
- Comparison between Horizontal-Axis and Vertical-Axis Wind Turbines
- Chapter 10
- Acceptability, Environmental and Social Aspects of Wind Energy
- Introduction
- Environmental Aspects
- Gas Emissions : Wind and Other Energy Sources
- Public Attitude in Different Countries
- Social Impact
- Wind Power and Traditional Power Sources