Wind Power in Power Systems

By Paul Gipe

Wind Power in Power Systems is edited by the very capable Thomas Ackermann. It is a massive 691 pages on the status of modern wind turbines and how they are integrated into power systems. The book rounds out Wiley’s series of professional books on wind energy begun a decade ago.

It will be some time before I have a chance to review this tome, but it’s arrival on my desk was so weighty, 1.5 kilos (3.4 pounds), and so useful to the development of wind energy worldwide that I wanted to get the following links posted immediately.

Thomas has an informative–no frills–web site on the book at He’s posted a detailed table of contents at

The book is a collection of 29 chapters written a who’s who in the wind power field, biographies of whom are found at

The book is timely. As wind power expands dramatically, the question of integration with the existing utility system becomes more critical–and more importantly, how to design the grid of the future to make best advantage of renewable resources.


Disclosure: My book Wind Energy Comes of Age is published by John Wiley & Sons (US), and the rights to it were briefly held by John Wiley & Sons (UK).

Wind Power in Power Systems, edited by Thomas Ackermann; John Wiley & Sons (UK) Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, United Kingdom; +44 1243 779777; 5 x 17 x 25 cm (9.9 x 6.8 x 1.9 inches); 691 pages; March, 2005; cost: ~US$155, $201 CAD, 131 Euros; ISBN: 0470855088 (cloth).

The editor can be contacted at:
Thomas Ackermann, Ph.D.
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH),
Department of Electrical Engineering (ETS)
Teknikringen 33, 10044 Stockholm, Sweden,
Work-Ph: +46-(0)8-7906639, Work-Fax: +46-(0)8-7906510,