Wind Power: 20 Projects to Make with Paper-a Review

By Paul Gipe

Wind Power: 20 Projects to Make with Paper by Clive Dobson is a great little book with a wonderful collection of photos and diagrams. I learn something every time I pick up a book, even a children’s book, and this book was no exception.

While targeted at children, I wish every inventor would read this book. It’s less than 100 pages and it has enough illustrations to keep even the most distracted reader engaged. Inventors should read it because Dobson has a short section on “experimenting with electricity” and he explains the principles behind wind turbines. He also discusses Betz’s law-the downfall of nearly all inventors. They’d be advised to read this section first.

I liked it right off the bat because it has a photo of the Toronto Renewable Energy Cooperative’s Lagerwey turbine in downtown Toronto. But I also liked it because it has a lot of superb photos form the author’s own collection and from historical archives.

This is a great little book for school libraries and those with role in teaching children about renewable energy.

Wind Power: 20 Projects to Make with Paper by Clibe Dobson; 2010; 96 pages, 8 X 10; ISBN: 1554077494 paperback; 12.95 CDN, 12.95 US; ISBN: 1554076595 hardcover, 24.95 CDN, 24.95 US; Firefly Books Ltd.; 66 Leek Crescent; Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, L4B 1H1; 416 499 8412;