Wind Energy: Technology and Planning CD-ROM

By Paul Gipe

A review by Paul Gipe

November 29, 2006

WWEA’s Wind Energy: Technology and Planning (Wissen Windenergie: Technik und Planung)CD-ROM

The World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) issued a bilingual CD-ROM on wind energy at its New Delhi conference in 2006. The CD and companion web site,, is the English translation of the German Wissen Windenergie: Technik und Planung developed by the German wind turbine owners association (Bundesverband Windenergie).

I found the comp-copy of the CD that I received wouldn’t load under Netscape 7.2. However, the web site functioned fine.

The production qualities are very high, though I found the opening screen a little too fancy for my plebian tastes. There is a plethora of information for any wind advocate, including a section on small wind turbines and grid integration.

Coming as it does from the center of the world’s wind industry, Germany, the information is current and useful.

Like a lot of the books and CD-ROMs that come across my desk, I didn’t have time for more than a cursory glance at the CD’s contents. Yet it’s clear that there are lots of photographs of sites I’ll never visit and details that would be useful for any researcher or student. Best of all, WWEA provides references and citations for tracking down additional sources.

Wind Energy: Technology and Planning (Wissen Windenergie: Technik und Planung), The CD-ROM can be ordered from the WWEA bookshop: , World Wind Energy Association e.V. , Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 5, D-53113, Bonn, Germany,, The CD-ROM and web site were designed by the Argentine Wind Energy Association – AAEE,


Wind Turbine Technology: An Introduction

Components of a Wind Turbine

Structure of a Modern Wind Turbine

Tower & Foundation: An Overview

Tower & Foundation: An Example

Deep Offshore Wind Farms

Rotor & Rotor Blades: An Overview

Drive Train: An Overview

An Example for a Direct Drive System

Planetary Gearboxes

Electronic Equipment: An Overview

Other Components: An Overview

Technological Development of Wind Turbines

Offshore Class Prototypes

Example for the Technological Development of a New Wind Turbine




Basics of Power Production

Certification & Testing of Wind Turbines: An Overview

Collected Links & Literature of the Chapter

Planning of Wind Farms – An Overview

Wind Resource Assessment

Wind Measurement for Accurate Energy Predictions: An Overview

Wind Mapping

Wind Prognosis


Planning, Siting and Design of a Wind Farm

Siting of Wind Farms: Basic Aspects

Wind Farm Planning and Layout Design

Wind Energy in Libya – Pilot Wind Farm Project

Repowering of Wind Turbines

Repowering: The Size of Wind Turbines

Planning Guidelines and Resources

WWEA Sustainability Guidelines

Wind Energy in Developing Countries: The GTZ TERNA Programme

Collected Links and Literature


Operation & Maintenance of Wind Farms: Introduction and Overview

O&M: General Aspects

Wind Power Systems: Operation Management and Maintenance

Turbine Management: Operator Requirements

Case Study Germany: Service of the Manufacturers

O&M: Special Aspects

Condition Monitoring: An Overview

Conditioning Monitoring: Act in time and minimize Losses – or wait until the Crash?

Maintenance & Condition Monitoring

Management of Wind Farms: An Example for Performance Check

O & M Software: An Example

Occupational Safety Aspects

Education and Training in the Service Sector

The BZEE Education Centre for Renewable Energies

Collected Links and Literature of the Chapter Operation & Maintenance


Integrating Wind Energy into the Grid: An Overview

Grid Integration

The dena Grid Study and Results

Grid Integration in Germany I

Grid Integration in Germany II

Grid Integration in Germany III

Hydro-Wind Synergies

EU-Scenario Grid Integration

Full Solar Supply of Industrialized Countries: The Example Japan

Guidelines on Grid Connection for Wind Farms in Brazil

Storage Systems

Storage Systems: An Overview

Wind Hydrogen Energy Systems

Flywheel Storage System: An Example

Electric Vehicles with V2G – Storage for Large-Scale Wind Power

Collected Links and Literature


Special Applications

Small Wind Systems and their Applications

Seawater Desalination Systems: An Application Example

Hybrid Systems

Hybrid Power Systems: An Introduction

Wind-Diesel Systems in Developing Countries

Wind-Hybrid Systems and Rural Electrification: Experiences from India

Case Study Hybrid Power System: Darling SEES, SouthAfrica – Visitor, Training and Education Centre

Wind/Solar Pumping System in Mali



Wind Power Utilisation and Ships

Collected Links and Literature