Weird Wind Turbine Designs

By Paul Gipe

Vaughn Nelson has pulled together some links to web pages that display either humanity’s incredible ingenuity relative to wind energy, or humanity’s folly, depending upon your point of view.

Buch der Synergie: Teil C Windenergie, as I’ve noted elsewhere has a very complete depiction of various wind inventions in German. Unfortunately, the author makes no attempt to evaluate the designs and often just repeat the promoter’s unfounded claims.

Much like the Buch der Synergie A journey through the evolution of the most spectacular wind turbines designs in the world by Colin Houghton merely introduces some historical wind turbines and some architectural rendering of  proposed wind turbines without commenting on whether they are realistic or not.

Another site that Vaughn came across is in Hungarian: Vertikális és Horizontális Szélturbinák Katalógusa. As with the other links, many if not most of the designs listed no longer exist.