Update on Betz: Everything You Need to Know about Wind Turbines Was Written in 1927

By Paul Gipe

I’ve updated my article on Betz: Everything You Need to Know about Wind Turbines Was Written in 1927.

Herr Fedor Seidler has forwarded a link to several lengthy documents summarizing the work of Albert Betz, Ludwig Prandtl, and their colleagues at the University of Göttingen. The documents, auf Deutsch, can be downloaded for free from the Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen at https://univerlag.uni-goettingen.de/discover?scope=All. Search for either Prandtl or Betz.

Though the documents were copyrighted in 2009, they originate in the 1920s. Volume III is from 1927.

Prandtl, Ludwig, and Albert Betz. “Ergebnisse der Aerodynamischen Versuchsanstalt zu Göttingen – III. Lieferung,” 2009. https://doi.org/10.17875/gup2009-103, pages 19-20, Theoretisches über Windräder (Theory of Wind Turbines) (33-34 of the pdf) summarizes Betz’s theorem.