Later this week is the Folkecenter’s 8th Small Wind Conference, following quickly on the heels of the great Husum Wind Fair.
I wish I could be at the conference 21-22 September in northwest Jutland. There’s nothing like being in Denmark if you work with wind energy. Wind is the lifeblood of the country; from the fluttering of the Dannebrog on flagpoles everywhere to the wind turbines dotting the landscape.
This year’s conference launches with a status report on Viking Wind, a classic 13-meter Danish wind turbine that’s been on the market in various forms for the past fourteen years. I remember seeing an early prototype at Husum Wind many years ago and I am glad they’re still out there. We need wind turbines in this size class.
Also at the top of the agenda is a report from CIEMAT, Spain’s small wind turbine test center on a new Spanish wind turbine. It’s good to know that CIEMAT is still out there in the small turbine world.
Tony Brink will report on the Folkecenter’s own testing of small wind turbines. I was working there a quarter center ago (ouch!) and remember well walking under an array of wind turbines on the test field.
Pecos Wind will be there as well as Pacific Northwest Labs on the market for distributed wind in the US.
If you can’t get there in person, you can tune in remotely. Register at 8th International Conference on Small & Medium Wind Energy.