Smith-Putnam Wind Tunnel Tests

By Paul Gipe

Prior to construction of the Smith-Putnam wind turbine Palmer Putnam ordered wind tunnel tests of various blade designs and blade number in the wind tunnel at Stanford University. Here’s the first two paragraphs from the final report. This report contained charts, tables, and drawings.

 Model Tests

Smith-Putnam Air Turbine

Conducted under the Supervision of

Elliott G. Reid

Guggenheim Aeronautic Laboratory

Stanford University

February 3, 1940

This report describes and presents the results of an investigation conducted in the Guggenheim Aeronautic Laboratory at Stanford University for the S. Morgan Smith Company of York, Pennsylvania. The experimental work consisted in determination of the aerodynamic characteristics of six adjustable-blade model windmills (Smith-Putnam Air Turbine). The wooden blades of all the models were also carefully measured in order that the degree of their conformity with design specifications might be available for the correlation of theory with experiment.

The results are presented in both tabular and graphical forms. Comments upon the accuracy of the models and upon the significance of certain of the results are appended. . .