Advertisements Using Wind Turbines

Wind turbines are becoming so common in advertisements that I long ago gave up trying to keep track of them all.


Made of Steel, French, 2000s


Nissan, 1990s


Silk soy milk using a very old image of a USW 56-100 from the 1980s, 2005.


Ad for a Bakersfield, California law firm using images from Kern County: wind turbines and oil derricks.


Total, French oil company using wind energy to green its image.


Bremen, “the key” to northern Germany


Here’s an ad for a Belgium bank–essentially it’s better to bank locally. The ad features Belgian Windmaster turbines. The turbines on the breakwater have long since been removed.


This add from the province of Ontario, Canada appeared in 2010 at the height of the Green Energy Act, one of the most ambitious renewable energy programs in North America since the 1980s. Why they chose this wind turbine, which to my knowledge never appeared in Canada, remains a mystery. The ministry that sponsored this ad was led kicking and screaming to renewable energy by the then government. Since then the government has changed hands and the Tories have, like their counterparts in Great Britain, destroyed the program. So this add was for nought.