Honeywell Windtronics–ACE Hardware’s Revenge

By Paul Gipe

It was an odd call. An ACE hardware store deep in Michigan called with a request for parts to the infamous Honeywell Windtronics “wind turbine”.

Naturally I was curious why an ACE hardware store was calling me for parts. I don’t sell wind turbines and I certainly don’t sell Honeywell’s defunct Windtronics.

So I dutifully returned the call, mostly out of curiosity.

Turns out that ACE hardware system’s corporate network acknowledges that the one-time Michigan company is kaput. But the web site says for parts or information call Paul Gipe.

I’ve written a few pieces on this company and it’s wonder product and I questioned just about every aspect of  the “Honeywell Windtronics” wind turbine—including the name “Honeywell”.

I chalk the referral up to ACE hardware getting revenge for all the critical comments I’ve made about this invention, its “inventor”, and its marketing, including its link with ACE hardware.

Let that be a lesson to you critics out there. Listening Mick Sagrillo?