Paul Gipe has been named to the Energy Watch Group, one of only two North Americans on the prestigious panel. He joins Stanford academic Mark Jacobson, internationally known for his work on moving to 100% renewable energy.
The Energy Watch Group’s network contains many current and former parliamentarians among its 28 members, including Hans-Josef Fell, Christine Milne, and Rudolf Rechsteiner. Fell, along with the late Hermann Scheer, was the author of Germany’s famed Renewable Energy Sources Act, which led to a renewable energy revolution in Germany. Milne is a former Australian senator who also actively campaigned for renewable energy policy. As a member of the Swiss parliament, Rechsteiner was responsible for introducing Switzerland’s version of the Renewable Energy Sources Act.
The Group also includes other well known scientists working with renewable energy, including Eicke Weber, formerly a professor at the University of California at Berkeley and now head of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems in Germany.
The Energy Watch Group (EWG) is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan global network of scientists and parliamentarians. EWG was established in 2006 by an international group of parliamentarians under the direction of then-member of the German Parliament Hans-Josef Fell.
Gipe has worked with renewable energy for the past four decades and was instrumental in adapting the German renewable energy policy to the North American market. He is the author of the recently released Wind Energy for the Rest of Us, a book that explains how electricity rebels are driving a renewable energy revolution.
Gipe said he was “humbled to be inducted into such an august group.”