The city of Gainesville, Florida installed more renewable generating capacity under its feed-in tariff program in 2010 than the state of Vermont under its SPEED program.
Gainesville Regional Utilities reports that 44 projects were installed in 2010 under its feed-in tariff for solar photovoltaics (PV). Total capacity installed reached 2.7 MW by the end of the year.

In contrast, the VermontSPEED program installed 2.1 MW from a total of six projects. VermontSpeed is the state’s version of feed-in tariffs. Vermont may install as much as 40 MW in 2011 according to Vermont’s Public Interest Research Program.
Both programs installed more distributed renewable generating capacity in 2010 than 30 US states installed individually in 2009 according to IREC’s report on US solar installations.

Vermont’s population is about six times that of the city of Gainesville.