While feed-in tariffs are most often associated with the generation and sale of electricity produced by generators using renewable sources of energy, they can also be used to pay for renewable heat and for energy efficiency and conservation.
Great Britain plans to offer renewable heat tariffs in April 2011. See Britain Proposes Feed-in Tariffs for Renewable Heat.
Even less explored than renewable heat tariffs, are tariffs that pay to save energy, that is, pay for energy efficiency and energy conservation measures. Here are a few articles on the topic.
- A step into the unknown: feed-in tariff for energy saving by Paolo Bertoldi of the European Commission.
- http://eec.ucdavis.edu/ACEEE/2010/data/papers/2177.pdf by Paolo Bertoldi, Silvia Rezessy, and Benigna Boza-Kiss, Institute for Energy, Joint Research Centre, European Commission Vlasis Oikonomou, Joint Implementation Network, the Netherlands
- Feed-in tariff for energy saving: thinking of the design by Paolo Bertoldi, European Commission DG JRC, Italy
- paolo.bertoldi@ec.europa.