Yep, it’s still there. Derelict and long abandoned, the FloDesign-Ogin prototype ducted wind turbine is still standing in the Antelope Valley between I-5 and Lancaster and north of Hwy 138.
We were out taking pictures of California poppies–the Antelope Valley is ablaze with them–when I spotted the white structure off toward the Tehachapi Mountains.
The device has been standing at least five years and still has not been removed and taken to the scrap yard. It appears that the location is just over the Kern County line where removal requirements are less strict or at least less frequently enforced than those in neighboring Los Angeles County.

In mid 2015 I photographed FloDesign-Ogin’s second-generation prototype from the public right-of-way. It probably had fulfilled its experimental purpose by that time, having been commissioned in 2014. This machine had been under development since 2008.
For more on the whole sad saga see FloDesign-Ogin.
There is drone footage dated late December 2016 showing the prototype.
By the spring of 2017 the city of Boston was going out to bid for removal of FloDesign’s first generation prototype on Deer Island. The defunct company walked away from the machine, leaving the taxpayers to dispose of the aerial junk.

From a search of a 2020 Google satellite view it appears the device was finally removed. However, I have no independent confirmation of this.

Who is responsible for removing the junk turbine in Kern County is an open question. Often it is the landowner when the original owner can’t be found or has declared bankruptcy.
A technological spinoff from FloDesign-Ogin, another ducted turbine developer called Halo (yes, that’s right Halo), has acquired some rights to the technology and it’s possible they may have inadvertently acquired some liabilities they didn’t know about.