Ulrich Mertens has done us all a very big favor. With graphic clarity and a professional photographer’s keep eye for composition, Wind in Sicht – Landscape in Transition illustrates the newest man-made landscapes we have created in our quest to supply ourselves with the energy we crave. Mertens’ dazzling and evocative images help illustrate the costs of consumption and the choices we make to address them. They are evocative reminders that our electricity must come from somewhere, but that it need not result in the catastrophic impacts of greenhouse gases, the ugly scars of open cast mining, or the long-term worries of nuclear power. – Martin J. Pasqualetti, co-author of The Renewable Energy Landscape: Preserving Scenic Values in our Sustainable Future.
For more on Merten’s coffee table book, see Wind in Sicht: Landscape in Transition by Ulrich Mertens, A Review.