The support plan is available to small-scale renewable energy facilities of up to 500 kW, which are incentivised through a feed-in tariff (FiT) mechanism, while installations larger than 500 kW will receive a variable premium on top of the market price of electricity through Contracts for Difference (CfDs). The projects are selected through competitive tenders.

Under the scheme, small energy installations with a capacity up to 500 kW (kilowatts) will benefit from a feed-in tariff while those with capacity above that will receive a premium on top of the market price of electricity.

Poland is introducing feed-in tariffs to support its renewable energy sector. In the future operators of wind,-photovoltaic or hydro plants with an installed capacity up to 3 kW will receive a feed-in tariff of 0,75 PLN/kWh (approximately0,18 EUR/kWh), whereas plants between 3 und 10 kW with 0,65 will receive a feed-in tariff of PLN/kWh (approximately 0,16/kWh EUR).

While the EU countries are witnessing a retreat from feed-in tariffs, Poland is for the first time in history introducing feed-in tariffs to support its renewable energy sector.

The new scheme calls for owners of PV installations up to 3 kW to receive a FiT of PLN 0.75 (USD 0.201/EUR 0.184) per kWh. At the same time, owners of PV systems above 3 kW but below 10 kW will get tariffs ranging from PLN 0.40 to PLN 0.70 per kWh, the German news portal said on Monday. The FiTs will be awarded over a period of 20 years, it added.

“It is important at least that the idea of a feed-in tariff has been passed and we can use that as we continue fighting for a FiT.

Poland is a major consumer of coal, and its politicians have been staunch opponents of feed-in tariffs, which have become the standard policy to promote renewables in the EU. Now, the Poles have come up with a bill to implement feed-in tariffs. Our colleague, energy policy expert Toby Couture, takes a look at the proposal, which he sees as a step in the right direction. . .

Poland, a country that produces 90% of its electricity with coal and once a seemingly impregnable bastion of neoliberalism in the heart of Europe, has announced that it will introduce a new law on renewable energy. The new law will introduce feed-in tariffs for the first time. . .