After a long delay, Denmark is poised to reintroduce a new Feed-in Tariff (FAfter a long delay, Denmark is poised … Read more
Feed-in Tariffs for Small Wind
Andringa said that Japan had the most attractive feed-in tariff (FiT) worldwide and that the company’s local reselling partners were preparing to help deliver the shift from nuclear to renewable energy after the 2011 disaster.
“Secondly caps to the number of turbines which can be built, hidden in the detail of the review, mean, for example, that just three 50-100kW machines and three 1,500kW machines can be deployed every three months across the UK, scuppering plans for community and locally-owned developments.”
The planned remuneration is 0,33 € per kilowatt-hour (kWh) for units up to 10 Kilowatt (kW) and 0,20 €/kWh for up to 25 kW.
In addition to the market price, Gaia-Wind turbine owners will now get a feed in tariff premium of øre250/kWh (approx. 0.35 EUR/kWh).
Expected to do the Same in 2012 New Feed-in Tariffs for 2013 The 2010 launch of Britain’s feed-in tariff … Read more
The Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) has called on the Ontario government to offer feed-in tariffs designed for small wind turbines.
Presentation by Paul Gipe for ASES Solar 2009
Presentation by Paul Gipe for CanWEA 2009 Conference, Toronto, Ontario. Includes a summary of feed-in tariffs for small wind turbines worldwide and a review of small wind program performance in the USA and Britain.