Speaking extemporaneously at the conclusion of the German-American Chamber of Commerce’s Solar Symposium on July 14, 2008 in San Francisco, John Garamendi, California’s Lieutenant Governor, said it “seems to me we want to use what works . . . and feed-in tariffs clearly do.” He also added that “we need to come to a decision quickly” so the state can move forward.
Garamendi closed the one-day symposium that was part of Intersolar North America’s inaugural exposition at the city’s Moscone Center. His comments followed that of a lively panel discussion in the afternoon that featured the Fraunhofer Institute’s Eicke Weber, former CEC commission John Geesman, SEIA’s Rone Resch, Vote Solar’s Adam Browning, the Coalition for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technology’s V. John White, and the German solar energy association’s Gerhard Stryi-Hipp.
The Lieutenant Governor didn’t elaborate further.
For a more extensive report on the symposium, see Edgar Gunther’s July 25, 2008 posting titled 1st Solar Symposium: Feed-in Tariff for California First.
A short summary by the German-American Chamber of Commerce can be found at 1st Solar Symposium a success.