Engineering & Technical Books
I have an extensive library on wind energy and energy policy. A number of these books I’ve reviewed over the years. Not all are in English, my native language. Nonetheless, I’ve reviewed some books in German, French, and Danish because I think it’s important to hear what these authors have to say about wind development in their countries.

Wind Energy Handbook
Paul Gipe
The Wind Energy Handbook is one of a trio of big wind energy books by John Wiley & Sons’UK office. …

Wind Power Plants: Fundamentals, Design, Construction and Operation by R. Gasch, J. Twele
Paul Gipe
The book, edited by Robert Gasch, began as course notes for Gasch’s popular course on wind turbine design for engineering …
Cost-effective Design & Operation of Variable Speed Wind Turbines: Closing the Gap between Control Engineering & the Wind Engineering Community by David-Pieter Molenaar
Paul Gipe
“Free, and Still too Expensive” opens Molenaar’s doctoral thesis on designing variable speed wind turbines. Molenaar’s work is not for …

Wind Turbines & the Landscape: Architecture & Aesthetics by Frode Birk Nielsen
Paul Gipe
This is the first of two reports on wind turbines and aesthetic design. The second is The Landscape Impact and …
The Landscape Impact and Visual Design of Windfarms by Caroline Stanton
Paul Gipe
This is the second of two reports on wind turbines and aesthetic design. The other is a Review of Wind …
Glossary of Wind Energy Terms
Paul Gipe and Bill Canter
The publisher of Windpower Monthly and WindStats Newsletter, Forlaget Vistoft, has published 1997 Glossary of Wind Energy Terms. The 100 …
Proceedings of The European Wind Energy Association Special Topic Conference on the Economics of Wind Energy
Paul Gipe
The special topic conference was held in Helsinki Finland 5-7 September, 1995 by the European Wind Energy Association in collaboration …