Bibliographic Entries for Dimitri Stein German-American Engineer

By Paul Gipe

The following are the bibliographic entries I’ve been able to uncover for Dimitri Stein, a German-American engineer who studied wind energy in the mid 1940s. He and the company he started with others designed and built a 15-meter diameter wind turbine for a remote island in 1949.

Over the course of his long career Stein spelled his first name differently. For English readers, he anglicized it to Dimitry. However, he was born in Russia and he is identified on his PhD thesis as Dimitri, using the Roman alphabet equivalent of his given name. I’ve chosen to use his given name Dimitri. Academic citations use both spellings.

Stein’s name also appears in some academic publications as Stein, D. and in others as Stein D.R. This too adds to the confusion for researchers.

The German entries for the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft Windkraft are from Matthias Heymann’s book on the history of wind energy in Germany 1890-1990. I don’t have these documents and have not read them.

I do have the documents NASA translated in the 1970s thanks to my colleague Philippe Bruyerre. The citations provide the links to these papers. I’ve reviewed these and conclude they don’t provide any further information on the mystery of how Stein was able to study in Berlin during the Third Reich.

My colleague, Etienne Rogier, directed me to the German patents. The are some ten patents where the assignee is Nordwind GmbH. Several are by Richard Triller, Heinrich Evers, and Franz Villinger. One patent for Norwind is by Ulrich Hütter on a piston pump for wind pumping. Nordwind was eventually acquired by Allgaier, which manufactured wind-electric and wind-pumping systems.

Dimitri Stein. “Dimitri Stein,” January 8, 2015.

Handschuh, Karl. Windkraft gestern und heute: Geschichte der Windenergienutzung in Baden-Württemberg. Staufen bei Freiburg: Ökobuch Verlag, 1991; on Dimitri Stein, pp. 69-70.

Hapke, Thomas. “Erich Pietsch: International Connections of a German Pioneer in Information Science.” Accessed July 27, 2021.

Heymann, Matthias. Die Geschichte der Windenergienutzung, 1890-1990. Campus, 1995; on Dimitri Stein, pp. 317-318, and six citations on p. 512.

Mackenthum, W. “Neuwerk Windmill Power Generation Plant,” NASA TT F15306, January 1, 1974. Translation of “Windkraftanlage Neuwerk,” Elektrizitätswirtschaft, No. 11, November 1951, pp. 322-325.

Röbke, Thomas. “Doktor nach 65 Jahren.” Die Zeit. November 20, 2008, sec. Wissen.

———. “Energiepionier Auf Neuwerk.” DIE WELT, January 3, 2010.

Rogge, E., and D. Stein. “New Wind Power Station,” NASA TT F15332, February 1, 1974. Translation of “Neuartige mechanisch-elektrische Windkraftanlage,” Elektrizitätswirtschaft, Vol. 42, No. 14, Nov. 5, 1943, pp. 358-363.

Stein, D. “Importance and Progress of Wind Power Utilization in Denmark,” NASA TT F15353, February 1, 1974. Translation of: “Bedeutung und Fortschritte der Windkraftausnutzung in Dänemark,” Elektrizitätswirtschaft, Vol. 41, No. 17, September 5, 1942, pp. 390-392.

———. “Importance and Progress of Wind Power Utilization in Denmark,” NASA TT F15333, February 1, 1974. Translation of “Bedeutung und Fortschritte der Windkraftausnutzung in Danemark,” Elektrizitätswirtschaft, Vol. 41, No. 15, 5 August 1942, pp. 346-349.

———. “Importance and Progress of Wind Power Utilization in Denmark,” NASA TT F15349, February 1, 1974. Translation of: “Bedeutung und Fortschritte der Windkraftausnutzung ,in Dänemark”., Elektrizitätswirtschaft, Vol. 41, No. 16, August 20, 1942, pp. 370-374.

———. “Utilization Of Wind Power in Agriculture in the USSR,” NASA TT F15345, February 1, 1974. Translations of “Verwertung von Windkraft in der Landwirtschaft der UdSSR,” Elektrizitätswirtschaft, Vol. 40, No. 4, Feb. 5, 1941, pp. 54-56.

Stein, D. R. “Statistical Summary and Evaluation on Electric Power Generation from Wind Power Stations,” NASA TT F15651, June 6, 1974. Translation of “Statistische Erfassung und Auswertung der Energieerzeugung von Windkraftwerken,” Elektrizitaetswirtschaft, Vol. 50, No. 10, October 11, 1951, pp. 279-285.

Stein, Dimitri. “Air Power Plants in Russia and the United States,” NASA TT F15338, February 1, 1974. Translated from Luftkraftwerke in Russland und den Vereinigten Staaten, Elektrizitätswirtschaft, Vol. 40, No. 16, 1941; Bulletin Association Suisse des Electriciens, Vol. 33, No. 1, 1942, pp. 17-18.

———. “Bedeutung und Fortschritte der Windkraftausnutzung in Dänemark.” Elektrizitätswirtschaft 41, no. 17 (September 5, 1942): 346–49, 370–74, and 390–92.

———. “Fortschritte zur Ausnutzung der Windkraft zur Stromerzeugung.” Elektrizitätswirtschaft 40 (1941): 268.

———. “Neuartige Windkraftanlage zur Energieversorgung landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe.” Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft Windkraft Denkshrift 8 (December 10, 1944): 14 and following. Berlin.

———. “Pioneer in the North Sea.” IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 7, no. 5 (September 2009): 62, 64, 66–68.

———. “Statistiche Erfassung und Auswertung der Energieerzeugung von Windkraftwerken.” Elektrizitätswirtschaft 50 (October 1951): 279–85. Statistical recording and evaluation of the energy generation of wind power plants.

———. “Statistiche Erfassung und Auswertung der Energieerzeugung von Windkraftwerken.” Elektrizitätswirtschaft 50 (November 1951): 325–29. Statistical recording and evaluation of the energy generation of wind power plants.

———. “Untersuchung der Stabilitätsbedingungen bei verzögerter Regelung,” June 22, 2009. Accepted: 2015-11-20T18:51:41Z.

———. “Verwertung von Windkraft in der Landwirtschaft der UdSSR.” Elektrizitätswirtschaft 40, no. 4 (February 5, 1941): 54–56.

———. “Windkraftanlagen in Dänemark.” Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft Windkraft Denkshrift 4 (August 21, 1943): 5, 15 and following. Berlin.

Stein, Dimitry. DEPATISnet | Document DE000000893839B. Deutsches Patentamt DE000000893839B, filed July 8, 1949, and issued October 19, 1953.

Stein, Dimitry, and Richard Triller. DEPATISnet | Document DE000000858530B. Deutsches Patentamt DE000000858530B, filed July 8, 1949, and issued December 8, 1952.