We had a good time and it was great to talk shop with such an experienced crew. Gary, Tom, Jason and his wife, Dori drove up in Gary’s new Tesla. They joined Mike Bornstein, his son, Stefanie, and myself from Bakersfield.
We touched on infrastructure for DC Fast Charging in the South Valley, the challenge of getting out of the Valley without it, the state of EV technology and much more. It was a wide-ranging discussion of all things EV.
Stefanie regaled us with her adventure to LAX in her Ford Focus EV.
And after an hour or two I realized Nancy and I had met Tom Bleakney at the Independence Inn a year or two before. It was that chance meeting when Tom drove up in his Tesla and asked Jim Getzinger, the motel’s owner, “Where’s your charger?” that helped tip Nancy and I toward buying our own EV. See Oasis in a Charging Desert—Independence, California.
Alas, all good things must come to an end and after three hours, we packed up and called it a day.
Again, thanks to everyone from the LA area for coming all the way up here to Bakersfield. We appreciate your support.
The next day the Bakersfield Californian ran a front-page piece above the fold on EVs.