Articles by

Zachary Shahan

Another Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Project Doesn’t Live Up To Its Targets


Zachary Shahan

But to this point, hopes of CCS being a sort of magical bullet have been little more than “magical thinking.” It simply doesn’t work as we imagine it should in our minds.

Why You Have Oddities Like A Political EV Event That Excludes Tesla, & Why US Politics Is So Hard


Zachary Shahan

First of all, it is definitely true that there are strong (and obvious) reasons for why Tesla should be a part of any EV event anywhere in the United States, especially one organized by national-level politicians. I’ll come back to those reasons at the end of this piece. However, the core focus of this article is to try to help explain how things get done in the US political system and why it might well be logical that a certain EV event that took place today didn’t include Tesla.

City of Richmond Pushes California to Go 100% ZEV by 2030


Zachary Shahan

The City of Richmond has just passed a resolution (unanimously) that California should set a 100% Zero-Emissions Vehicle Standard for 2030.

CN To Buy 50 Lion Electric Trucks


Zachary Shahan

The electric truck revolution marches on. The Lion Electric Co. has had more than its fair share of orders in the early electric truck market, and this week it notched a big one. Large Canadian transport company CN signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Lion Electric to buy 50 of its zero-emission, fully electric trucks.

Halifax Aims To Add 210 Electric Buses In Next 8 Years


Zachary Shahan

The Halifax Regional Municipality up in Canada is getting more serious about climate action and stopping air pollution in its borders. The municipality has plans to put $780 million into getting the 210 electric buses onto the road and 3 new ferry routes into service by 2028, according to TheChronicleHerald (h/t Collie Guy).

Teslas = 77.7% of US Electric Vehicle Sales


Zachary Shahan

Actually, aside from Tesla’s offerings, I think there are only two fully electric models available at dealers in all 50 states — the Chevy Bolt and Nissan LEAF.

The Electric Vehicle Revolution Is About To Get Messy


Zachary Shahan

In general, much more of the public will soon find out that you can’t buy a gas car in most classes that can hold a candle to its electric competitors, and automakers still trying to push gasmobiles onto consumers will get burnt.

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Guidelines for Cities


Zachary Shahan

This paper is written for those municipal officials, especially in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The objective is to help them — you — properly prepare your community for the coming mass market of electric vehicles. After reading this paper, you should have an understanding of the practical issues involved in planning and installing EV charging infrastructure and be ready to to take the next steps.

Gas Cars Have Much Higher Risk Of Fire Than Electric Cars


Zachary Shahan

However ICE cars are fundamentally more exposed to fatal fire risks than their electric counterparts, as the deadliest fires are mostly due to flammable liquids located in the engine area.

Progression Of The EV Revolution (2017–2030)


Zachary Shahan

The first truly long-range and semi-affordable electric car models start arriving on the market. Production is ramping up on the somewhat long-range Renault Zoe (introduced in Europe at the end of 2016) and the Chevy Bolt (introduced in the USA at the very end of 2016).

Solar & Wind Subsidies = Less Than $0 In USA … Because Clean Energy Saves Lives!


Zachary Shahan

This article is focused on just a few externalities and subsidies related to the production of electricity — including the economic costs of premature death from pollution.

Pope Francis Gets A Nissan LEAF


Zachary Shahan

Pope Francis seems to be a man of action — living by your ideals — and so it comes as no surprise that he has apparently gotten a Nissan LEAF.
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