Articles by
Steven Loveday
Chevy Bolt Goes Up In Smoke: GM To Investigate After Owner Contacts News
Steven Loveday
Chevrolet Bolt EV owner Hajime Rojas of Fairfax, Virginia says her 2019 electric car started smoking on the 4th of July. She says that smoke grew and she had no idea what might happen next. She also has no clue as to why the Bolt overheated in the first place. Rojas called 911. The responders didn't notice any visible flames, but the heat melted the car and it was declared a total loss by Rojas's insurance company.
Tesla Model 3 Long-Term Ownership Review From Up North
Steven Loveday
Tesla Canuck has been reporting on his Model 3 for some time. He's had plenty of positive and negative things to say about it, which we appreciate. However, what we appreciate more is that he is a Tesla owner reporting from Canada.

EV Charging 101: How Long Does It Take? What Do You Need To Know?
Steven Loveday
An excellent 21-minute video explaining the how and why of charging an electric vehicle.