Articles by

Stefan Gsänger

Wwea Halfyear Report 2023

WWEA Half-year Report 2023: Additional Momentum for Windpower in 2023


Stefan Gsänger

While in the first half of 2022, 29,8 Gigawatt were added, the world installed 41,2 Gigawatt in the same period of 2023, 38% more than in 2022. This equals a year-to-year growth rate of 11,4%, when comparing the total installed capacity end of June 2022 and end of June 2023. With this, the global installed capacity stood at 976 Gigawatt in June 2023, out of which 100 Gigawatt were added in the twelve months from July 2022 to June 2023. The sector shows clearly a more dynamic growth in the first half 2023, with a 4,4% semiannual growth, compared to 3,5% in the first half of 2022.

A Dangerous Trend is Challenging the Success of Wind Power Around the Globe: Concentration and Monopolisation


Stefan Gsänger

The primary reason, let’s be clear, has been the global trend towards support schemes which favour large investors; in particular, auctions have caused such results. Looking at the frightening collapse of the German wind market should already explain why this trend should be stopped.

What we really need: Priority for renewable energy and an emissions ban


Stefan Gsänger

Higher prices, as we know from behavioural psychology and from real life, do not automatically lead to behavioural changes. Rather, habituation effects often occur at a higher price level. Smoking is a good example: With every increase in tobacco tax over the past few decades, tobacco consumption has temporarily declined but recovered after a short time. Only the introduction of a ban on smoking in public spaces led to a noticeable decline in smoking.

WWEA is Looking for a Community Wind Officer


Stefan Gsänger

The World Wind Energy Association in Bonn, Germany is seeking a person fluent in English & German to study Community Wind. The position is for 2.5 years.

Wind energy companies in Indiana are attempting to mitigate the deaths of bats during migration season by slowing or stopping their turbines at night.


Stefan Gsänger

The renewable energy community has been challenged by a trend towards ‘competitive’ auctions for renewable power generation. The term in itself is misleading as it implies that auctions automatically lead to more competition, and that other instruments like feed-in tariffs lack competition. Both are untrue.

WWEA: Paris defines 100% renewable energy as the new normal


Stefan Gsänger

This is the paradigm shift we have been working for, and now it is even part of the official UN climate change agreement, supported by all governments of the world. In other words: Paris has in fact defined 100 % renewable energies as the achievable, the new normal!

Paris defines 100% renewable energy as the new normal


Stefan Gsänger

The UN Climate Change Conference COP21 ended last weekend with 195 governments agreeing on a new climate treaty, and this Paris agreement is a big breakthrough! . . What makes me so confident is the fact that Paris has started a fundamental paradigm shift, away from the failed Kyoto protocol with its failed goal to set up a globally binding emission limit through carbon cap & trade systems.