Articles by

Robert Price

ROBERT PRICE: Why wind energy is a multi-faceted disaster, according to Trump


Robert Price

America's foremost scholar on the power-generating prowess of wind turbines has been challenged by a lesser expert from Bakersfield. That foremost scholar, according to President Trump, is President Trump. The dissenting expert is Paul Gipe, author of "Wind Energy for the Rest of Us: A Comprehensive Guide to Wind Power and How to Use It," a 1,100-page compendium of all things windy.

Electric car lovers are among us, right here in oil city


Robert Price

Yet, here he was on Friday, pulling into the Tesla service center in southwest Bakersfield to have a sensor repaired on his wife's 2015 Model S. She loves her white Tesla, he loves his blue one and Gov. Gavin Newsom, who would like to see a few million more Californians in EVs, loves them all, both drivers and cars.

ROBERT PRICE: Can you imagine Bakersfield without oil? EPA does


Robert Price

Telling Kern County that California has reached the end of oil is like telling a cowboy to go home because the cattle drive has no more cattle. What now? A cowboy has to feed his family.

ROBERT PRICE: State’s new energy blueprint can’t leave Kern County in the dark


Robert Price

Four years before Gov. Gavin Newsom set in motion the managed decline of California's oil industry, Aera Energy CEO Christina Sistrunk was asking questions about the mechanics, and wisdom, of such an undertaking.
One On One With Bob Price Jpg

One on One: World-renowned wind energy expert Paul Gipe talks about California’s energy future


Robert Price

World-renowned wind energy expert Paul Gipe of Bakersfield joined The Californian's Robert Price for his weekly "One on One" webcast to talk about California's energy future. Gipe said PG&E's bankruptcy presents Kern County -- the state's number one producer of wind energy -- with some energy independence opportunities.