Articles by
Neil Barrett
Conservative Forces at Work: The Opposition to Wind power in Australia
Neil Barrett
In the short to medium term the fossil fuel interests and their supporters – both witting and unwitting — are fighting the battle of their corporate lives to preserve the privileged position they’ve held for so long. Largely because of economic and environmental considerations which strongly favour renewables and possibly because of the reactions of local people such as those at Waubra, the anti-wind forces will almost certainly lose in the end, but not before they’ve done a lot of damage to Australia’s attempts to cut emissions and to the wind industry in particular.
VicWind: Waubra – The Way the Wind Blows: Waubra’s residents tell their stories
Neil Barrett
Since the Waubra wind farm started generating power in 2009, the town has acquired a dubious reputation: the so-called `Waubra Disease’ is now known internationally. But how much sense does it make? Whilst there’s a small number of complainants among the population of 500, there are also 30 families hosting turbines on their land as well as many turbine neighbours – including community leaders - who live happily with the turbines.
Getting the Wind Up: Exploring the concerns about adverse health effects of wind power in Australia and Europe
Neil Barrett
Denmark and Germany provide evidence of a different kind: despite the presence of 30,000 wind turbines in these two countries, adverse health effects are not a significant issue in either country. . .