Articles by
Michael Mazengarb
NSW regulator slashes rooftop solar feed-in-tariff by 25 per cent
Michael Mazengarb
he NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has published its final determination for 2021-22 benchmark feed-in-tariff for solar exports at between 4.6 and 5.5 cents per kilowatt-hour.
Musselroe Wind Farm to deploy bird protecting radar in Australian first trial
Michael Mazengarb
Tasmania’s Musselroe Wind Farm will undertake an Australian first trial of new radar technology that the operators hope will help reduce instances of collisions with wedge-tailed eagles.
ACT looks beyond 2020 renewables target, seals community solar off-take deal
Michael Mazengarb
The ACT government has taken steps to re-affirm its commitment to maintaining its 100% renewable electricity target in perpetuity, at the same as the territory locks-in a feed-in tariff rate for its first community solar farm.