Articles by
Kimberly King
Crimey! MORE Green Going Wrong: Ford to install VAWTs at dealerships
Kimberly King
I also went to the vendor’s, Wind Energy Corporation’s web site, and all I could locate was a single landing page. Red flag #1. I also searched for Jack Phillips on Linkedin and his background is only in accounting and int’l business, NOT computational fluid dynamics or mechanical engineering. Red flag #2.
Decommissioning Guide to Small Wind Turbines in the Built Environment
Kimberly King
Password: mistralmetrodenizen2013--The aim of this framework document is that it can serve as guidance, as far as
it is practical, to those seeking to navigate and obtain approval for
decommissioning wind turbines in the built environment or in urban settings.
Small Wind Turbines: Installing small wind turbine generators (WTGs) in the urban/built environment–What not to do
Kimberly King
cautionary tale about an "urban wind" project gone awry in 1982 . . .
MORE ‘Green Gone Wrong’: Greenway Self-Park WTG installation, Chicago, IL, USA
Kimberly King
Based on what I have been able to locate, I think this structure is another example of ‘Green Gone Wrong.’ I reiterate, I think we need to be mindful about NOT over-hyping some green(er) technologies. I also understand we can model a technology to death, but until this machine/device is actually installed in the environment it is expected to perform, we will not know the true performance outcome–and this, naturally, will only come with time. . .
More thoughts on the Portland, OR, USA 12W Bldg wind turbine array
Kimberly King
As I am learning, most designers tend to quietly dismiss a project's failings, and don't repeat installations like this. And so, as with folks in the USA not paying attention to the results of the Warwick Wind Trials, I have to wonder as if the poor decisions will only be repeated here. . . Some have wagered that this installation will be taken down within another 12 months. I'd like to think this will not be the case. But only time will tell, eh?