Articles by
Diane Moss
Rebutting Recent Darwell Critiique of Renewables
Diane Moss
Climate change skeptic and PR consultant Rupert Darwall recently wrote an editorial called “Obama’s Renewable Energy Fantasy” that spins a dire depiction of renewable power as a threat to economies around the world, the U.S included. But it turns out that there’s more to the real story and that the patient – that is, renewable-based electricity - just needs a dose of facts to show great improvement.
Renewables 100: Clearing up another myth about German energy policy: net-metering is not replacing the feed-in tariff
Diane Moss
MYTH: Germany has figured out that the feed-in tariff does not work, so they are canceling it and opting for net-metering instead. . . FACT: The German feed-in tariff has largely been a remarkable success story.
100% Renewable Energy: Becoming the New Normal?
Diane Moss
A decade ago, cities, regions, and businesses aiming for 20% renewable energy were on the cutting edge. Few believed that a higher target in a few decades was an achievable goal. Anyone even suggesting a target of 100% renewable energy was a radical. Fast forward to today and in much of Europe, and increasingly in the U.S. and the developing world, 100% renewable energy goals are becoming the new normal. . .