Articles by
David Weisman
Does California really need 5 more years of Diablo Canyon’s ‘reliable energy’?
David Weisman
Ultimately, California will have to determine whether another five years of Diablo Canyon operations is a cost-effective solution to evolving reliability needs. The plant isn’t nimble enough to respond to the rapid ramping up and down requirements caused by the massive growth in solar generation. Like a light switch, it’s either on or off. And it’s designed to operate 90% of the time — 7,884 hours a year.
Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant no longer economically viable; early shutdown would save ratepayers billions
David Weisman
A responsible Commission concerned for California’s future should consider that ratepayer dollars are more wisely spent hardening our grid against future wildfires than propping up the aging, inefficient money pit that is the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant.
Don’t Blame PG&E, Pal
David Weisman
3-minute video montage of the seismic history at the troubled Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, put to the 1964 song parody recorded by "The Goodtime Washboard 3" (Bratton-Fagerstrom-Pope).
California Public Utilities Commission demands answers to future costs before funding additional life for Diablo Canyon
David Weisman
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), perhaps incorporating lessons-learned from the oversight misfortunes of San Bruno and the shuttered San Onofre nuclear plant, has called for enhanced accountability from PG&E at California’s one remaining nuclear facility, Diablo Canyon. CPUC President Michael Peevey put PG&E on notice that any attempt to secure
funding for a 20-year license renewal will be met with added scrutiny . . .