Articles by

Catherine Mitchell

Contemporary US Political Party Energy Politics – still a lot to play for


Catherine Mitchell

One of the lessons learnt from KP, is that it is easier to get across a focused environmental issue to the USA public. It is harder to communicate to the USA people what a sensible energy policy is, and because of this the environmental debate over the next few years at least is likely to be between the ‘drill baby drill’ and the ‘keep-it-in-the-ground’ factions.

Britian: What are we to do with this Government’s incredible energy policy?


Catherine Mitchell

So far, as said elsewhere, we are witnessing a Government which is dismantling sustainable energy policies. The energy world is broadly going in one direction – and as said before that’s not the same direction as this Government.

Managed disruption – the push and pull of policy in Germany


Catherine Mitchell

Given GB’s disastrous auction policy in the 1990’s, one can understand the scepticism of this from the German renewable energy industry. Again, this may have unforeseen impacts.

Great Britain: Getting our act together


Catherine Mitchell

If the Act is not replaced, the UK will be treading energy water until four or so years time when we will be forced to rethink a new Act anyway. Yes, this means putting EMR on hold until new decisions are made – but CfDs for nuclear power can be expected to be scrapped, as can the Green Deal. Bo

Last ditch bullying by Coalition Government to keep Hinkley on track


Catherine Mitchell

The UK is now ‘issuing threats’ to Austria that a series of retaliatory measures will be undertaken if Austria goes ahead with its legal challenge to the EU State Aid decision approving GB Government support for Hinkley point nuclear power plant.

UK Energy Policy and the role of community energy


Catherine Mitchell

Its not all doom and gloom in GB--FITs has been a great success and kick-started all sorts of developments.

Capacity Markets: Sugar Plum Fairies


Catherine Mitchell

DECC’s auction reflects GB’s current energy policy: wasteful, thoughtless, parochial and supporting the status quo. This was a real opportunity to implement a radically different, demand focused mechanism and we blew it. Happy Christmas electricity generators.

Britain’s dinosaur capacity market will worsen energy ‘trilemma’


Catherine Mitchell

The government could have chosen a better way, by prioritising measures that really do solve the energy trilemma – incentivising interconnection, treating demand-side management as a priority, encouraging storage through building the electric car fleet, and supplementing all of that with a strategic reserve scheme to provide a small amount of guaranteed gas generation. This would keep bills down, improve security of supply, and be the first step to building the flexible low-carbon grid that we will need by 2030.

New Thinking Blog: The Nuclear Announcement – a Pyrrhic victory?


Catherine Mitchell

There are many interesting points about the much trailed nuclear announcement today but the ones I find particularly interesting is that regarding the 10% return on investment and the various issues which still have to be agreed, including the EU decision on State Aid. The latter is unlikely to be agreed in the next 2-3 years so today’s announcement is a political mirage.

Effectiveness through Risk Reduction: A Comparison of the Renewable Obligation in England and Wales and the Feed-In System in Germany


Catherine Mitchell

A Comparison of the Renewable Obligation in England and Wales and the Feed-In System in Germany. . .