Articles by
Arne Jungjohann
Germany promises more renewables but big utilities take back control
Arne Jungjohann
But to keep a steady hand on the rise in renewable power, a “deployment corridor” will set limits on how much renewables capacity may be added per year.
The international perception of the Energiewende
Arne Jungjohann
However, the international Energiewende reporting makes me want to rub my eyes. If one is to believe those reports, industry is fleeing because energy costs are going through the roof.
Böll Foundation Takes on Right-Wing Think Tank: Get the Facts Right: Germany has seen a Boom in Green Jobs-
Arne Jungjohann
The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) has recently published a new report: The Myth of Green Jobs - The European Experience. It claims that clean energy technologies increase energy prices and don’t lead to a net job growth in Europe. Given the German experience, Arne Jungjohann argues, AEI’s report has several flaws. . .