Articles by
Alexander Richter
Taiwan splits power FIT for geothermal for sizes under and above 2 MW
Alexander Richter
Taiwan has announced the split of the feed-in-tariff available to geothermal power plants for sizes under and above 2 MW in installed capacity.
Japan’s government pushing geothermal exploration and development
Alexander Richter
Earlier this year, we reported on plans of the Japanese government to push geothermal development with deregulation efforts. So together with great feed-in-tariff support, now it seems geothermal is set for another kick.
Turkey introduces updated geothermal energy feed-in-tariff rates
Alexander Richter
Turkey announces new tariffs under its renewable energy feed-in-tariff scheme YEKDEM. With that the tariffs for geothermal drop by around 36%, expectations were clearly higher.
New geothermal feed-in-tariffs for Indonesia expected in the coming months
Alexander Richter
With the preparation of new presidential regulation of new feed-in-tariffs for renewable energy, the Indonesian geothermal sector is hoping it will provide sufficient incentive for much needed investment into geothermal development in Indonesia.
Lacking guarantee for favourable FIT for geothermal in France big concern for industry
Alexander Richter
The new draft of legislation on multi-annual energy planning for France raises big concerns by the geothermal sector in France as in its current form does not provide for any guarantees of favourable feed-in-tariffs for geothermal power.
Success of the Holzkirchen combined geothermal heat and power project
Alexander Richter
The combined geothermal heat and power plant of Holzkirchen in Bavaria/ Germany has been a great success for the municipality, while further expansion could be an option but then in cooperation with other communities in the region.
Government regulations holding back geothermal development in Indonesia
Alexander Richter
Government regulations are holding back geothermal development in Indonesia, according to Riki Ibrahim, MD of PT GeoDipa Energi. The validity of feed-in-tariffs with PT PLN is considered too long with 30 years, 10 years would be sufficient, and planned incentive scheme could change this.
Geothermal to keep FIT in Japan, while auction system is introduced for solar and wind
Alexander Richter
The Japanese government has adapted the feed-in-tariff (FIT) system for renewable energy technologies, introducing a wholesale/ tender system for solar and wind, while geothermal, biomass and small-scale generation keep the FIT.
New regulations to simplify permitting for geothermal exploration in France
Alexander Richter
The Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition in France has presented new regulation that would modify provisions in the French Mining Code, aimed at simplifying and clarifying legal framework on permitting for exploration and exploitation of geothermal.
Interview with Frank Schoof on geothermal development success in The Netherlands
Alexander Richter
The role of the government was also important, with the putting in place of a risk-guarantee fund and feed-in tariff for heat.
Small-scale ORC supplier ElectaTherm exceeds one million hours of cumulative fleet runtime
Alexander Richter
ElectraTherm utilizes Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) and proprietary technologies to generate up to 110kWe of electricity from low temperature water ranging from 77-122°C.
Switzerland announces higher feed-in-tariffs for geothermal power generation
Alexander Richter
New feed-in-tariffs for hydro-thermal and petro-thermal geothermal have been put forward that would lift maximum tariffs from up to $0.48 to $0.54/ kWh for plants sized 5 MW and below with lower values for installations of larger sizes.