2014 Wind & Solar Generation in France Less than 5%

By Paul Gipe

In comparison to its European neighbors, France has fallen off the renewable energy bandwagon, according to the most recent report by Bernard Chabot. In 2014 wind produced 3.6% and solar PV only 1.3% of the total 465 TWh generated for a total of 4.9%.

The French renewable energy web site dd magazine reports on Chabot’s latest work (en Français) Le photovoltaïque et l’éolien en France en 2014. See page 28 for the percent penetration of wind and solar in France for 2014.

For students of renewable energy integration into large utility networks, see page 27 for the seasonal “smoothing” effect of wind and solar together.

Apparently, the Hollande government has continued the policies of the previous Sarkozy government to reduce the threat renewables at one time posed to the country’s deeply entrenched nuclear mafia.