2010 Windmill-Wildflower Hike Planned for Tehachapi

By Paul Gipe


Sierra Club Kern-Kaweah Chapter
P.O. Box 3357
Bakersfield, CA 93385


For more information contact: Tony Swan, 661 363 5106


25th Annual Walk May 8th, 2010

(Tehachapi, Calif.) The Kern-Kaweah chapter of the Sierra Club will lead a hike on the Pacific Crest Trail at 9:00 am Saturday May 8th, 2009 near Tehachapi, California.

The Sierra Club’s local chapter sponsors the hike to spotlight a little-known section of the trail as well as the 3,500 wind turbines in the Tehachapi Pass. The event marks the 25th year of the annual spring hike. More than 750 people, from children to octogenarians, have taken the six-mile walk across Cameron Ridge since the event was first launched more than two decades ago.

The six-mile hike leaves the trailhead at the junction of Cameron Road and Tehachapi-Willow Springs Road promptly at 9:00 am. Spring weather at 5,000 feet in the Tehachapi Mountains is unpredictable. The temperature can vary from near freezing to sweltering. Hikers are advised to dress appropriately, bring at least one quart of water per person (two quarts per person recommended), and pack a lunch.

The Pacific Crest Trail stretches from Mexico to Canada following the crest of the Sierra Nevada for much of its length. The route over Cameron Ridge offers sweeping vistas of the Mojave Desert, the Garlock Fault, and thousands of wind turbines.

The Sierra Club is a national environmental group that supports the responsible development of renewable resources, including wind energy. The hike will be led by local Sierra Club member Tony Swan.

A car pool will leave from Bakersfield at 7:30 am. For more information on car pooling from Bakersfield call Tony Swan at 661 363 5106.

For more information on past hikes, visit Windmill-Wildflower Hike.