FloWind: The World’s Most Successful VAWT

Though no longer extant, FloWind at one time was the world’s most successful manufacturer and developer of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines. FloWind manufactured two models of Darrieus wind turbines during the early 1980s and developed two prototype turbines during the mid to late 1980s. FloWind’s Darrieus turbines generated nearly 1 TWh (972 million kWh) during nearly two decades of operation. No VAWT has ever come close to that performance since and it’s unlikely that any ever will.

Cleanfield Turbine Near Hamilton, Ontario. Photo By Martin Ince, Www.mkince.ca.

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Revival?


Paul Gipe

Since Wind Energy Basics was first published in 1999, there has been an explosion of interest in new vertical-axis wind turbines. In that edition, the conclusion illustrating one photograph was stark–“Practically no one is working with vertical axis wind turbines today.” The text went even further when describing the difficulties that “new” or “novel” designs face. . .

Flowind Tehachapi Installation 1985 100 1200x600

FloWind: The World’s Most Successful VAWT (Vertical Axis Wind Turbine)


Paul Gipe

Note: The following is an excerpt from my 2009 book Wind Energy Basics Revised: A Guide to Home- and Community-scale …

Whitewater Wash San Gorgonio 06

Etats-Unis : le calme après la tempête?


Paul Gipe

L’industrie éolienne aux Etats-Unis est aujourd’hui en pleine ébullition. En termes de puissance installée, le développement est comparable a celui que l’on a connu en 1985. Paul Gipe, en expert engagé, décrit la situation avec un enthousiasme modéré : dopée par les crédits d’impôts puis menacée par leur suppression, cette envolée risque de tourner court.

The Great Wind Rush of 99


Paul Gipe

An edited version of this article appeared in the February 1999 issue of New Energy and in French in the …

2015 Windmill Wildflower Hike Across Cameron Ridge In The Tehachapi Pass.

Self-Guided Tour to the Wind Farms of the Tehachapi Pass


Paul Gipe

The text of this guide was written for attendees of Windpower 98 conference in Bakersfield, California. I updated the material …

Souvenir Photo From 2015 Hike On The Pct Across Cameron Ridge In The Tehachapi Pass.

Windpower 98 Tehachapi Tour


Paul Gipe

The following appeared in an edited version in an 1998 edition of Windpower Monthly Four busses chocked full of windpower …