Small Wind Turbine Testing

Testing of small wind turbines to international standards is one of the principal ways we can insure that small wind turbines can do what their promoters claim. For decades manufactures of small wind turbines could say whatever they wanted about their wind turbines and there was no way to hold them accountable. Today–after nearly three decades of effort–there are standardized tests for measuring the performance of small wind turbines and standardized ways of reporting this performance. No one should ever buy a small wind turbine that has not been tested to international standards and the results of those tests published for the world to see.

Northern Power Systeems' Nps 100 At The Girvan Community Hospital, Scotland.

Saying Goodbye to a Cold-Weather Workhorse: Northwind 100


External Source

After arriving at NREL in February 2001, the Northern Power Systems’ NorthWind 100 wind turbine was used for a variety of wind energy research projects such as early hybrid wind/diesel systems for deployment in Alaska. In cooperation with NASA and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Northern Power Systems developed the NorthWind 100 to demonstrate extreme cold-weather operation in Vermont, Colorado, Alaska, the South Pole, and eventually a futuristic application on Mars.

Folkecenter Ydby Denmark 1998 09

Upcoming Small Wind Conference at the Folkecenter


Paul Gipe

Later this week is the Folkecenter’s 8th Small Wind Conference, following quickly on the heels of the great Husum Wind …

Raising Air Wulf Field 2002 43 1200 01 Jpg

Wulf Small Wind Turbine Test Field Closed


Paul Gipe

In another sign of the times, I’ve closed Wulf Field and sold the property to the neighboring wind farm managed by Windstream Properties.

Cel 464 Professional Grade Sound Level Meter (right) And Field Calibration Tone Generator (left).

Professional-Grade Sound Level Meter for Sale


I have a Casella CEL-464 professional-grade sound level meter for sale. I used the unit during the early 2000s to measure the noise emissions from small wind turbines.

Test Summary Report on Solid Wind 25 kW Turbine


Paul Gipe

Sven Ruin brought to my attention the test summary report on Solid Wind’s 14-meter diameter, 25 kW wind turbine. The report was issued in mid-2015.

Technical Assessment of Small Wind Turbine Power Generation


This study assesses the feasibility and performance of micro-wind turbines installed at different hub heights at the Toronto and Region Conservation’s Living City Campus wind field test in Vaughan, Ontario at the Kortright Centre for Conservation.

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