Inventions & Questionable Turbines
This category is a catchall for all those contraptions that burst on the scene in a blaze of media hype as different from those “other” wind turbines only to eventually disappear. It’s not possible to critique every “invention” that plagues the field of wind energy so only those that have piqued my curiosity, or are particularly egregious, are listed here.

Airborne Wind Energy Company Closes Shop, Opens Patents
Mark Anderson
This week, a 13-year experiment in harnessing wind power using kites and modified gliders finally closes down for good.
RIP Google Makani: Perhaps The Entire Airborne Wind Energy Space Will Finally Disappear
Michael Barnard
Makani was still being touted as the leader in the space for the 2019 Airborne Wind Energy Conference, held in Scotland in August. And now, it’s dead. Alphabet pulled the plug a couple of days ago. This isn’t really surprising.

Weird Wind Turbine Designs
Paul Gipe
Vaughn Nelson has pulled together some links to web pages that display either humanity’s incredible ingenuity relative to wind energy, or humanity’s folly, depending upon your point of view.

Montana WindJammer IV Infomercial
Paul Gipe
In another blast from the past, Vaughn Nelson has tracked down a promotional film (now on youtube) from August 1985 of the Windjammer IV sail wing wind turbine. Patterned after Cretan sail windmills, the Windjammer uses sails or “soft airfoils” to drive a large diameter rotor in California’s Altamont Pass.

Optiwind Demolition–The Fate of Many Revolutionary Wind Turbines
Paul Gipe
In the research for his new book, Vaughn Nelson has been dredging up some amazing videos. (See Hywind Scotland Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Video.)
SheerWind-Invelox–Is the End Nigh for Another Ducted Turbine?
Paul Gipe
Is the end near for SheerWind’s Invelox ducted wind turbine? The problems with SheerWind’s design are coming to a head as its signature clients lose faith.