News & Articles on Wind Energy
This is an archive of articles and news on both large and small wind turbines, wind energy & the environment, and links to topics on the history of wind energy.
I’ve been working with wind energy since 1976 and my professional experience in the subject runs the gamut from wind resource assessment to installing and testing small wind turbines. I continue to follow the industry and analyze its growth and increasing contribution to renewable electricity generation worldwide.
For newcomers to wind energy I’ve added pages from my previous books explaining terms used in the industry.
- 200 Term Multilingual Lexicon: The lexicon translates English terms into five different languages: Dansk, Deutsch, Español, Français, and Italiano.
- Glossary of Wind Energy Terminology: The glossary was written by Paul Gipe and Bill Canter in the late-1990s. I’ve added the glossary to my web site for both its historical content—many of the terms were in use during the 1980s and 1990s—and as a reference for the thousands of newcomers to the wind industry since it was first published.
Time to Clean Up the Mess in Kern County
Paul Gipe
Wind energy has come of age as a commercial technology for generating electricity. Wind development is booming. Worldwide sales …
Removal and Restoration Costs in California: Who Will Pay?
Paul Gipe
An edited version of this article appeared in the Spring 1997 issue of WindStats Newsletter (Vol. 10, No. 2). …
Sierra Club’s Southern California Regional Conservation Committee Wind Energy Policy
The following text was posted to awea-windnet on 2/20/97. This monitored news group is hosted by the American Wind …
Remarks by Paul Gipe at the Dedication of EDON’s Wind Plant at Eemshaven, the Netherlands
Paul Gipe
With the completion of this wind plant, events have come full circle. The flow of visitors seeking information about wind energy has reversed. The intellectual, technical, and may I say “moral” momentum has shifted from the United States to Europe.
Erosion Gullies in the Tehachapi Pass: An Example of Improper Wind Development
Paul Gipe
Note: This critique was originally written in 1996. Little has changed since then except on the former FloWind site …
A L’Etape de La Maturité: L’Énergie Éolienne
Paul Gipe
L’énergie éolienne, aujourd’hui viable sur le plan commercial, peut combler une partie importante des besoins énergétiques. L’image qu’on se fait aujourd’hui de l’énergie éolienne n’a plus rien à voir avec la vision romantique du meunier aux cheveux blanchis par la farine ferlant les voiles de son moulin à vent. Cette source énergétique est devenue une réalité commerciale incontournable. Qu’il s’agisse de combler les besoins d’un nomade mongol, de paysannes puisant leur eau dans un puits au Maroc, d’un fermier du Minnesota, d’une coopérative au Danemark ou d’un travailleur de l’une des nombreuses éoliennes de Californie, l’électricité produite par la force des vents montre qu’un approvisionnement énergétique durable n’est plus un réve.