Newbies don’t need to know this. I compare the cost of driving a Nissan Leaf to a Toyota Prius we’d driven for six years where I need to calculate the cost per mile of gasoline. I’ll post a link here shortly.
If the question is about efficiency, all EVs are efficient. If you want most efficient, buy a low drag Tesla. You can read my trip reports where I note the efficiency of each leg of trips in various EVs. There’s a different efficiency depending upon whether you’re going uphill, downhill, or on the flats.
I average about 4 miles/kWh. That’s all most drivers need to know. It’s less at freeway speeds. It’s less against a head wind. It’s more downhill, with a tail wind, and at slower speeds.
This is a useful number to know. If you need to drive 100 miles, you will need at least 25 kWh (100 miles/(4 miles/kWh)= 25 kWh) and possibly more.
Tesla drivers use a different metric for efficiency. It is the inverse of miles/kWh. For example, 4 miles/kWh equals 0.25 kWh/mile.