News & Articles on Solar Energy
While I have primarily worked with wind energy, I have long been a proponent of renewable energy in the broadest sense. This includes solar energy. My work in Canada, especially Ontario, stressed inclusion of solar energy because it had been previously overlooked. At one time Ontario was one of the leading jurisdictions in North America developing solar photovoltaics due in part to the programs I and others pushed. The political winds changed and these policies were abandoned and with it Ontario’s progress toward a renewable energy future.
Turkey introduces 10-year FIT for solar, other renewables
External Source
The Turkish authorities have set a 10-year feed-in tariff (FIT) of TRY 1.06 ($0.0545)/kWh for PV systems that are installed between July 1, 2021, and December 31, 2030. Solar projects with Turkish PV components will be given an additional five-year tariff of TRY 0.2880/kWh.
2022 Report on Britain’s Successful Small-Scale Renewables Program
Paul Gipe
Despite the Tories best efforts to kill them, small-scale renewables have continued to grow under Britain’s pioneering feed-in tariff program. …
Danish Biogas Supplies One-third of Gas Consumption in 2022
Paul Gipe
Denmark never ceases to amaze me. Despite switching back and forth between conservative and progressive governance over the past decades, …
Comparing The US & China On Climate, Economy, & Other Outcomes Should Be Deeply Humbling For America
Michael Barnard
The narrative that Americans and many Europeans share about China and themselves is not aligned with observable reality, and the USA is in significant danger of economic decline even as the world improves.
Traverse City’s historic wind turbine retired, makes way for solar panels
Sheri Mcwhirter
An historic wind turbine that for decades served as a clean energy symbol and up north geographic marker recently came down near Traverse City.
Germany deployed 916 MW of solar in March
Sandra Enkhardt
Germany’s cumulative installed PV capacity for all subsidized and unsubsidized PV systems stood at around 58.2 GW by the end of March.
WWEA and Global100RE call for renewable energy equipment for immediate humanitarian relief in Ukraine
Stefan Gsanger
In order to help civilians, the World Wind Energy Association WWEA and the Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform Global100RE, supported by Global100RE Ambassador Ruslana, are calling for donations of equipment which can supply power independently from the national grid, after all small and stand alone solar systems including batteries, power banks etc.
France to boost solar energy capacity beyond 100 GW by 2050, says Macron
French President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday that France plans to multiply its solar energy production capacities roughly tenfold by 2050.
Chinese solar industry may reach 500 GW module capacity by year end
Emiliano Bellini
According to Asia Europe Clean Energy (Solar) Advisory (AECEA), this huge capacity may not be met by actual demand in the global market. Furthermore, the consultancy reveals that solar module prices should reach a price level of up to RMB 1.75 ($028)/W by the second half of the year, and that in 2021 new PV additions totaled 53 GW with more than half of this capacity being delivered by distributed generation.
Good Energy offloads 47.5-MW generation portfolio to Bluefield Solar
UK renewable power company Good Energy Group Plc (LON:GOOD) has sold its entire 47.5-MW portfolio of renewable generation assets to Bluefield Solar Income Fund Ltd (LON:BSIF), the firms said today.