Books on Feed-in Tariffs
There several books with detailed information on feed-in tariffs and renewable tariff policy. You can find information about these books at the links below.
Energy Democracy, by Craig Morris & Arne Jungjohann: A Review
Paul Gipe
Is one of the most powerful books on the renewable energy revolution in decades. It’s a chronicle of the remarkable transformation underway in the world’s fourth-largest industrial economy.
The Evolution of Feed in Tariffs in Germany, Spain, and France—a Review
Paul Gipe
Even though most analysts focused only on the economic aspects of feed-in tariffs and quota models and not on non-economic factors, such as transparency and local ownership, the results were startling–in part because they were coming from Brussels. In a now famous 2005 study, Commission researchers concluded that “well-adapted feed-in tariff regimes are generally the most efficient and effective support schemes for promoting renewable electricity.” . .
The Feed-in Tariff Handbook–a Review
Paul Gipe
Powering the Green Economy: The Feed-in Tariff Handbook is a book that has been out for some time and though …
Feed-in Tariffs by Miguel Mendonça–a Review
Paul Gipe
Miguel Mendonça’s Feed-in Tariffs takes his place alongside Craig Morris’ Energy Switch in explaining the success of Feed-In Tariffs to …
Switching to Renewable Power by Volkmar Lauber–A Review
Paul Gipe
Volkmar Lauber is one of the world’s pre-eminent academics specializing in renewable energy policy. Lauber, a professor political science at …
Energy Switch: Proven Solutions for a Renewable Future by Craig Morris–A Review
Paul Gipe
How North America Can Learn From Renewable Energy Success Stories in Europe