News & Articles on Community Power
Developing renewable energy on the scale needed to make the energy transition will require public acceptance. Unlike nuclear power, where society can force a single plant on a community for the benefit of society at large, renewable energy will have to become ubiquitous in our communities and on our landscapes. This can only be possible when the majority accept this transformation. Experience has taught that acceptance is greatest when neighbors and the community at large can participate in the renewable energy revolution. The beauty of renewable energy is that everyone can take part–and own a stake in their future–when given an opportunity to do so. The challenge is creating the policies that make this possible, whether it’s for a community wind project or a solar garden.
Unplugging PG&E Is Easier Said Than Done
Marisa Endicott
People have long criticized PG&E’s uncomfortably close ties with former Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration and the revolving door between the California Public Utilities Commission and the utilities it regulates.
California Mayors Back Plan to Make PG&E a Cooperative
Ivan Penn
Frustrated with wildfires and intentional blackouts caused by Pacific Gas & Electric, more than two dozen California mayors and county leaders are calling for a customer-owned power company to replace the giant utility.
Letter from a Coalition of Northern California Cites to the California PUC Calling for Converting PG&E to a Cooperative
Based on a foundation currently in the Public Utilities Code, we will propose transforming PG&E into a mutual benefit corporation –in essence, a cooperative owned by its customers.
German Government clearly misses all three self-imposed renewable energy goals associated with auctions
Stefan Gsänger, Wwea Secretary General
“The German Government has missed all three goals, which it has linked with the introduction of auctions: Neither has it reached its installation targets nor have the auctions achieved cost-effective results, and also the diversity of actors has suffered greatly since the beginning of 2017, which calls into question the acceptance of wind energy and the energy transition as a whole. Germany was once a global role model for the introduction of renewable energies, not only technologically but also through the strong involvement of its citizens. This role model has been lost since the introduction of auctions. “
Community Wind under the Auctions Model: A Critical Appraisal
“The German Government has missed all three goals, which it has linked with the introduction of auctions: Neither has it reached its installation targets nor have the auctions achieved cost-effective results, and also the diversity of actors has suffered greatly since the beginning of 2017, which calls into question the acceptance of wind energy and the energy transition as a whole. Germany was once a global role model for the introduction of renewable energies, not only technologically but also through the strong involvement of its citizens. This role model has been lost since the introduction of auctions. “
German auctions ‘failing’ community wind
“It has not reached its installation targets, nor have the auctions achieved cost-effective results, and the diversity of players has suffered since the beginning of 2017, calling into question the acceptance of wind energy and the energy transition as a whole.
German renewable energy cooperatives struggle as markets collapse
L. Michael Buchsbaum
The accelerating downward pressure on onshore wind energy expansion in Germany is paralyzing the industry. Community-owned renewable producers have been hit hardest, and elbowed out of the few markets that remain.
Bonn Community Power Declaration
At the same time, we notice with growing concern that there are increasing barriers against the rapid growth of renewable energy globally, e.g. through the introduction of auctions in the renewable power sector which represents an insurmountable hurdle, together with additional barriers in form of restrictive permission rules and manifold other forms of discrimination and exclusion from fair market access.
New study proves: Community power is increasingly being marginalised by auctions
On the occasion of the 4th International Community Wind Symposium, which begins today, the two main organizers, the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) and the NRW Renewable Energy Association (LEE NRW), are launching a new study entitled “Community wind in the second year of auctions: a lot of shadow, little light” on the state of community wind energy in NRW and Germany. The symposium, which spans two days, will be attended by a total of 100 experts from 20 countries.
The UK can’t fight the climate emergency when the Tories are entirely opposed to renewables like solar
James Dyke
The party’s decision to increase tax on domestic solar power shows that its head is still firmly in the sand